sixty-five: importance of occlumency

Start from the beginning

The older witch took a few moments to mull over this information.

"To demonstrate the authenticity of what you present, I ask you to submit to legilimency Mr. Riddle." She said with the strength of a witch who knew her own power. Tom didn't doubt her either, the magic practically crackled from her fingertips.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall." Tom agreed, knowing very well his occlumency was of an exceptional level.

"But I ask you lower your mental walls I expect I will be faced with when I enter your mind. If you are to be completely transparent, you mustn't hold back anything." The witch looked sternly at the boy.

"May I interject, Professor." Lucia interrupted, "I fear that there are some memories that Tom has that are not important for the verification of his character, but may prove to be slightly... uncomfortable for a Professor to witness."

Tom bit back a chuckle, the corners of his lips threatening to turn up.

When McGonagall understood the meaning of Lucia's interjection, she fought the humour attempting to creep onto her face.

"I must assure you Miss Cohen, that those kinds of memories are not ones I wish to witness either. You may trust that those are not the ones that shall be examined." The older witch, despite her apparent shock at the statement handled the topic with sophistication and professionalism.

Lucia relaxed in her chair more, a wave of relief washing over her as she had established the headmistress of her school was not going to observe their intimate moments.

"I am willing to do this to prove to you how much I am not the man you knew." Tom brought the serious tone back to the conversation.

"As much as I understand that the intrusiveness of legilimency is not something you desire to experience at this time of morning after a night of celebration, I must insist we perform it now." The headmistress said as she looked at Tom with eyes that spoke of curiosity and concern.

"Not a problem." Tom agreed quite unenthusiastically, but understanding nonetheless.

"Let us go to my office, Mr. Riddle. I shall call for Miss Cohen when it has been completed." She established as she stood from her desk, walking towards the exit to the room with knowledge that he was smart enough to follow her. Lucia and Tom stood from their seats at her departure.

When the headmistress' footsteps could no longer be heard, Tom grabbed Lucia's hands.

"This is completely fine, there is nothing in here that she wouldn't already know from before I came here, it's all in the history books, trust me I've read them. All the memories from this time are not the level of damning she would need to prove anything." Tom spoke hurriedly.

Lucia pulled him down to meet their lips, then buried her head in his neck in an embrace. When they finally separated, Tom walked in the direction of where McGonagall went to follow her to her office.

"Keep your thoughts clean, Riddle." Lucia joked as he was about to leave the room, lightening the solemn mood from the morning, "I know how dirty that kind of yours can be, and I don't need my teacher seeing any more of me than what is visible with my uniform on."

Tom gave her a wink, "Can't promise anything, love. Don't be too jealous."

When Tom entered the office via the winding staircase, he saw there was a chair already set up for him. McGonagall was leaning against her desk playing with her wand that danced between her graceful fingertips.

"Mr. Riddle, please take a seat." She gave him a half hearted smile.

He obeyed, his eyes flicking only temporarily to the portrait of Dumbledore who was watching him carefully.

"I trust your mind is set up and prepared for me to begin?" She questioned as he placed his hands on his lap.

"I am." Tom said politely, "I trust you have practiced legilimency before, so my memories will not be damaged by any sort of reckless exploration."

"You have nothing to worry about if what I find is indicative of the innocence Miss Cohen so passionately argues for on your behalf. Legilimency is an art form I am not a stranger to." The witch confirmed to him with an edge of sharpness in her tone from him suggesting doubt in her abilities.

They sat looking at each other for a few moments, with many things left unsaid.

But it only stretched so far before the witch's wand was raised and her voice rang through the office, a bright light encapsulating the room.


author's note

why hello everyone and thank you for all still being here. I can't believe so many of you have stuck by me through all these chapters.

we are closing in on the end of this story and I'm so excited for you all to read it.

does anyone have any predictions? I'd love to hear your theories. sometimes I think you all know my story better than me lol

see you all very soon, lots of love xx

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