10: Training Hard.

Start from the beginning

I asked him with a hint of worry in my face too: "Hey Zi, what Happened? And where is Wanwan?"

"She's inside. Taking Care of Baxia."

"Baxia? What happened to him?" I asked worriedly.

"Baxia is sick and no one can do his usual routine for us when he's sick. So uh, Can you.... Do his job at the meantime?" Ling Pleaded as he played his fingers.

Right now, I'm thinking if I should take Baxia's job at the meantime, or maybe not because of the tournament.

If only I could ask anyone, then..... Who?

Aha! Hanzo!

I quickly grabbed my phone and contact Hanzo as fast I could, and surprisingly,


It wasn't him answering. It was his girlfriend, Hanabi.

"Hanabi? Is Hanzo there? Can I talk to him?"

"Sure. In a minute." She hunged up the phone at the moment and handed it to Hanzo.

"Hello? Luo Yi?"

"Hi Hanzo! I was wondering if you're uh.... Busy-"

"I'm always free friend. What do you want me to do?" He cutted me off.

"Could you uh.... Stay in the Dragon's Sanctuary....... For this week? You can also Bring Hanabi with you so that my friends here would... Uh...." I utterly stuttered. Why the hell I'm getting nervous... D*mn.


"Uh........." I hesitated to answer as Shivers went through my spine. Sweat cane out in my forehead and my hands, feeling anxious about his response. Instead, I released a deep exhale.

"Okay. I joined in the Seasonal MCL event and there's no one can take care of my friends here. That's why I'm asking you if you could-"

"Let us take care of the Oriental Fighters? Sure! We'll do! That was Hanabi's dream ever since. She keeps talking about the female member on that team though. She said that the female member has a tail." Hanzo cutted me off again and the one with a tail he referred is probably Wanwan.

I looked back at my friends, and It seems like the 2 boys liked the decision. Thank Hanzo and Hanabi for saving my *ss here.

"We'll be there tomorrow morning Luo Yi. We gotta prepare our things first. See you." Hanzo ended the call and I went closer to the 2 boys behind me.

"So, you guys okay if I'm not around for this week?"

"Yeah. We're good. Hanabi is with him Right?" Zilong questioned. I nodded as a response, but then Ling tapped my shoulder,

"Hey, Be careful of those tournaments, okay? We don't want to see your team lose." Ling cheered me up, and curved his lips into a smile.

"I know. Thanks for the Support Ling."

"You're welcome. Let's get inside and chill out while waiting for those ninjas to arrive tomorrow." He insisted and we all went inside the house.


Yu Zhong's PoV

"Damn, Where is this fool?"

I groaned while waiting for Benedetta. It's been hours since she left me alone in the Training camp, which belongs on one of her friends that I didn't even know what name is it.

She said that her friend who owns this training camp is a girl, who I believe lived outside the Empire. I can describe her appearance.

She has long purple hair, she has a white feather scarf and wore an almost transparent mask. I think I haven't met her once yet. Or.... I don't know.

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