*Important* A.N. (Please Just Read It)

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Okay, so I just wanna say this. It's something that has to be said.

I've been getting some comments on this book on how Bakugo is 'stupid' for staying with Kirishima and saying he still loves him even after everything he's done to him. Also, how Bakugo is at fault for willingly walking into danger when he knows Kirishima is about to hurt him.


He was being controlled and manipulated, making him think he had no other choice and if he did anything else either him or his friends would get hurt. Kirishima was making Bakugo think he was the only one who could ever love Bakugo, making Bakugo feel alone and want to stick close to Kirishima so he knows he'll always have someone, even if they have bad intentions.

No, I am in no way saying what Kirishima did was justified, humane, or okay in the slightest. No one should have to go through any kind of abuse, and I'm sorry if you have or are.

The point of this book was 1. a way to cope with some things that happened to me, so reading those comments weren't really helping much at all at, and 2. to show that some things can be easily hidden, but it's a serious matter that needs to be acknowledged.

Some people were saying things like he shouldn't have gone with him if he knew what was gonna happen, calling Bakugo stupid for continuously trusting Kirishima and saying he loves him,- and what personally hurt me the most cause it didn't fucking help at all- that it's Bakugo's fault.


Bakugo felt like he needed Kirishima to continue on, even though he knew what Kirishima was doing was wrong. And yes, Bakugo did want to leave, he wanted nothing but that. But he knew he just couldn't. Because if he did, he was threatened with both his and his friends safety, and he didn't want to risk that. So he stayed and dealt with it, even though it hurt him and caused him pain.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off strong here, but technically I'm actually not sorry. Reading those comments made me feel like I have no right to complain about my fucking trauma. And I'm sorry if I'm getting all personal and shit, but it's something that needed to be said.

Bakugo is in no way at fault, he did nothing wrong and is not 'stupid' for staying with Kirishima even after everything that happened. He was being manipulated and controlled and limited to who he was allowed to talk to, so he stuck around Kirishima, listening to everything that was told to him.

And after hearing someone say something repeatedly all day everyday, it starts to repeat in your head and you believe it, telling yourself the same thing constantly until you don't believe it when others tell you otherwise.

It's pretty much all in the 'Under The Bed' chapter, everyone saying that it's his fault and he has it coming, but that's not true.

I didn't think I would have to make an A.N. about this, but I just feel like it was necessary. So please, whether it was a 'joke' or not, don't make someone who has or is going through any kind of abuse feel like they have it coming to them, cause they don't.

That's all. Just please watch what you say, you don't know how it could affect others.


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