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I sat down in John's armchair and looked up at Sherlock. "Uuuhhh. Sherlock?" I blushed like hell.

"Hmm?" He played the soft notes on his violin.

"Why aren't you wearing any trousers?" I covered my embarrassed face with the newspaper in my hand.

"I'm wearing pants, why do I need trousers? Besides, I don't feel like it." Sherlock's rough voice groaned.

"I don't know Sherlock, maybe you should wear trousers cause normal people do." He turned to me acting like I was crazy.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" He grinned, making his way over to me with his boxers only body.

"Uncomfortable...?" I blushed. "Nah, I used to do it all of the time." I made up an awful excuse.

He raised an eyebrow and leaned on the arms of the chair I sat in.

"Did you now?" He breathed on my face, sending chills down my neck.

"Yep... I can- I can prove it to you." I looked too proud. I had spoken too soon and didn't think about what I was about to do.

"Very well." He grinned, pushing himself off of the chair.

"O-ok." I cursed to myself and stripped to my bra and underwear, sitting back down. "Actually, it's quite freeing." I pulled my phone out.

"Yes. Yes, it is. Not quite as freeing as I'd want it to be, though." Sherlock leaned on the chair again and pulled my phone away, setting it on the table.

"Mr. Holmes, what are you implying?" I asked nervously as he inched closer to my face.

"You know exactly what I'm implying." He had a wide grin on his face.

"The hell with you." I covered his face with the newspaper I had and giggled.

He sighed and crumpled the newspaper up, tossing it to the side and getting my attention.

"What the hell, dude." I blushed.

"Kiss me." He was even closer than before.

"Sherlock." I pressed my hand on his wrist and tried pushing him back. "I don't know... I'm not sure I feel that way." Hell yea, I actually did.

"Mmm? Lies. Your pupils dialated." He bit his bottom lip, teasing me.

I blushed even harder and looked away at something else.

"I knew it." He jumped up and put on his robe, covering up his bare chest and legs.

"K-knew what...?" I stuttered.

"This was a test. I was expirimenting on sentiment and love. Clearly, you feel that way towards me. Your pupils dilated."

"Sherlock. The hell with you. And you know what else? I know you feel that same way towards me."

"Is that so?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Where's your proof, Ms.( last name)?"

I grabbed him and pulled him towards me so my lips touched the tip of his ear, and whispered, "I took your pulse..." I pulled away.

He looked at me in awe and blushed uncontrollably.

"I... Don't exactly... Know what to say..." He turned around and crossed his arms, thinking about it.

I got up and hugged him from behind. "Sherlock... Just kiss me then."

He turned around and grasped my waist, kissing me with a gentle force. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He moved us towards the couch and laid me down. He tore his robe off and wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved his pelvis back and forth and grinded up against me. I moaned and he smiled in satisfaction, kissing me passsionatley.

As we kissed, we heard a knock on the door. "Yoo hoo, dears! It's Mrs. Hudson!" She walked in and saw Sherlock on top of me. "Oh dear! I'm so sorry!" She panicked.

"It's alright, Hudders!" I called to her through breathes.

She nodded and stood in shock.

"Ok, Mrs. Hudson, get out!" Sherlock yelled. She jumped and ran out.

"You didn't have to yell at her." I chuckled and drew lines on his chest.

"Well, I did. She was annoying me. Now... Where were we?" He kissed me.

AN: ya know what, I ship you and Sherlock so hard!!!! I love you guys so much for reading this! I wanna thank you so much for the support and keep being the awesome people you are! I will have more updates soon, I promise!!
-Mrs Holmes

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