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Brianna's POV

The doctor walked me down the hall and we got into the elevator thing. I didn't really like it but I don't care because I was about to go see Zachy. The elevator doors opened and we walked out and down another hall until we reach a door.

The doctor walks in and I follow behind him. Once I'm far enough in the room I look over to see Zachy laying on a bed looking at me with a smile.

"Zachy!" I yell running over to the bed. The doctor comes over and lifts me up so I can lay on the bed right next to Zachy.

"Hey Bri, how are you?" He asked me.

"Fine." I said with a shrug. He looked at me weirdly.

"Bri, whats wrong bubs?" Zachy asked.

"Nothing." I reassure him, but he still doesn't believe me.

"Bri, come on. You can tell me, I won't tell anyone else if you don't want me too." Zachy said. I just sighed and looked away from him. I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lap so I could play with his rings.

"Did you guys really only adopt me for publicity?" I asked just above a whisper as tears came to my eyes threatening to fall. It took Zach a few seconds to answer.

"Thats why you ran off. You heard David say that huh?" Zach asked me. I just slowly nodded.

"Bri, of course we didn't adopt you for publicity. The day we adopted you, right before that we had a meeting and David wanted us to adopt someone for publicity. We told him that if we did adopt it wouldn't be for publicity, it would be because we want to. We also told David that if you don't want to be on social media then you don't have too. We don't want to force something on you like that at such a young age." Zachy told me as he turned me around on his lap to face him.

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise." Zachy said. I stuck out my pinky finger for a pinky promise, Zachy smiled and wrapped his pinky around mine.

That moment reminded me the first time I was at the house and we had to go down to the basement, I thought they might lock me down there so I was scared to go until Zachy pinky promised me they wouldn't lock me down there, and he kept that promise. So right when we pinky promised, I knew he was telling the truth.

I quickly gave Zachy a hug that lasted a few minutes. Finally I sat back down and started playing with his rings again to help calm myself down just a little as we talked about random stuff and what we could do once he was out of the hospital and all better.

"Is it alright if the rest of your friends come in? They're getting very impatient." The doctor said walking in the room. Zachy laughed a little and nodded. The doctor then left to go get the others.

"Zachy?" I asked.

"Yes bubs?"

"Please don't tell them why I ran off." I said while focused on Zachs rings.

"Okay, I won't. As long as you promise to tell them at some point." Zachy said. I just nodded my head. Zachy stuck out his pinky finger to me which made me giggle. I connected my pinky to his right as the others walked in.

"Oh my god, Zach don't scare us like that ever again!" Jacky said as he came over and hugged Zachy. Everyone agreed with Jacky as they all came over to hug Zach.

"Has the doctor said anything about any injuries yet?" Uncle Jo asked.

"Not yet, he said they just had to check some final things and he would let me know." Zachy said. And as if on cue the doctor walked in the room.

"Alright how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Pretty good, my head hurts just a little." Zachy said.

"Thats okay, that's normal. So we got everything we need to know, would you like to have everyone leave, or can they stay?" The doctor asked Zachy.

"They can stay." Zachy said.

"Alright, so you have a concussion, its not horrible, but its not a little one either, so I would say to just rest for about a week. Probably try to avoid bright lights for the first day or two. You also have a pretty big bruise on your stomach, so we have prescribed some pain killers to you because it will hurt every now and then depending how you move." The doctor says.

"Alright thank you." Zachy said.

"Of course, we would also like to keep you here for tonight and you may go home tomorrow." The doctor said.

"Okay, thanks." Zachy said as the doctor walked out.

Zach's POV

The doctor just came in and said that I have a concussion and a big bruise on my stomach...great. I also need to stay the night, which isn't so bad. At least it isn't a week. Brianna is still on my lap playing with my rings. I don't know why she plays with them, I think it helps her calm down but maybe there is another reason too. I don't really know.

A few minutes later I see that Brianna fell asleep which made me smile a little bit.

"How do you do it?" I heard Corbyn ask.

"How do I do what?" I asked turning my attention to him. Which he now has the attention of the others as well.

"How do you make her love you so much? Like, she is always around you, and always wants to be by you. Just ealier when we were in the waiting room she was either silent or asking when we could see you and talking about how she misses you." Corbyn said.

"Yeah, he has a point. How do you do it?" Jonah asked.

"I really don't know honestly." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Well you guys must have had some kind of moment right?" Daniel asked. That made me think a little. When was one of our first 'moments.' Then it hit me.

"Uhh, yeah we had a little moment the first day she was here." I said.

"See, that would make sense because even the first day she was here she was always by you. But what happened?" Jack asked.

"I'm not saying it. I don't know if Bri would want me too or not. Let's just say I asked her something and her answer broke my heart a little bit, some little things happened after, and boom, I guess you could say it was a moment." I tell them. They just nodded and said they respect my desicion of not telling them.


1142 words

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