Chapter 6 - Foolishness?

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The Episode Starts with....

Everyone were shocked to find Vansh addressing Ahana as Mrs. Rai Singhania. Ahana ran to Vansh and hugged him tight

Ahana: I knew Vansh! I knew that you'll accept me. Am happy that you decided to get rid of that middle class gold digger!

Ishani (angry): Enough!!! Am not going to hear a word against Riddhima! She's not gold digger. It's you!! And bhai you want to give Riddhima's place to this women who's least bothered about anything. For her family and you are everything for this women money and power is everything. You love Riddhima bhai then why are you doing this!!

Ahana: Shut up Ishani. You are being misled. She's gold digger or else even after learning what Vansh did she would have not left him and his family! She might have found someone who has more money and power so she left Vansh.

Dadi: Vansh beta what you are doing is not right. I'll never accept anyone as my granddaughter other than Riddhima. None can ever take care position in this house and your life. Only Riddhima has that right!!

Vansh: Enough dadi! I gave her many chances but she's least bothered to come back into our lives. She blamed me for her pain when even I went through the same pain. She isn't understanding my pain but she wants me to understand hers. This is biased and am done with it. What does she think, that I'll die in her memory! No!!! Am Vansh Rai Singhania and I'll live my life with Ahana now. And tomorrow I'll make an important announcement on this regard. Angre make all the arrangements and invite all the press by 9am sharp.

Ishani: Bhai are you serious! How can you do this! I won't accept this! Am not going to be with you in this madness. Neither will Dadi nor Angre (she eyes Angre)

Angre: Am sorry boss! But I support bhabhi and in this am with Ishani. I can't help you. Till today you were protecting bhabhi so I supported you but now you are planning to hurt bhabhi more and am not in this with you.

Ishani smiles at Angre gesturing him thanks. He smile back.

Vansh: Angre! This is my command!

Angre: Sorry boss I can't accept your this insane command.

Ahana: See even a servant is showing attitude for that characterless girl (fumes). Its ok Vansh I'll arrange the reporters myself.

Ishani (angry): First of all, Angre isn't a servant, he's bhai's employee and my husband. So, beware before you bad mouth him. You need to face me for that! And secondly, before calling Riddhima a characterless, look at yourself. What's your character? You first came here as a victim, then played your card with Kabir and got engaged with him double crossing bhai and then triple crossed Kabir and posed as Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania. So, what's your character!! Don't you dare badmouth Riddhima once again.

Angre stared at Ishani who for the first time took a stand for him and referred him as her husband. He smiled at her. She smiled back.

Dadi: Today after whatever happened I thought Vansh would understand Riddhima's pain. But I was wrong! He's destroying himself and is planning to give more pain to Riddhima. And in this mad behaviour of yours none of us going to give any support to you. If you take this mad step then trust me beta no one will be by your side among us. You'll be all alone.

Dadi held her head as she couldn't take all the happenings. Ishani and Angre rushed towards her to give her support when Vansh was about to go, dadi held her hand to stop him from approaching her. Vansh stepped back feeling dejected

Dadi: Don't you dare touch me after hurting my Riddhima and trying to break her more

Ahana: Enough dadi. You are elder so we are trying to give you some respect but that doesn't mean you'll hurt him more. He took a decision considering all the happenings and being his wife am with him even if you all are against us.

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