"I don't have to explain how very rude it is to enter somebody's chambers without an invitation." Snape says, crossing his arms. He had been behind the door.

"We were curious." Draco replies.

"You Know what muggles say about the curious." Snape says coldly. "It kills the cat." He steps over to his table and places the vile on a scroll he has laid out.

"The family tree?" Draco says remembering the ritual from earlier that year.

Snape nods. "I have been asked to check." He says.

"Why?" Draco asks.

"I have a few." Snape replies. "The first being that Dumbledore is concerned that pureblood students might no longer be safe at hogwarts."

Draco nods. "I would sure like to know."

Snape nods. He continues to do his task ignoring the intruders. He places the blood on the paper and grabs up a small droplet of the purple potion. Immediately it bubbles and begins to pain the design of a tree.

Branches appear with names on them.

"No siblings." Snape assesses.

Then higher up branches form.

"I see." Snape says. "So she is not jeffery's daughter."

"What?" Draco asks.

"She wasn't born to Jeffrey Spiritwalker." Snape replies. "She is not a pureblood." He studies the family tree more and then he puts it away. "She probably has no idea she was raised by a man who isn't really her father, and that her real father was a muggle."

Draco stares at snape. "She isn't..."

"Your father will want to know I'm sure." Snape says. "Don't tell anyone else. you can't imagine the toll this information will take."

They both nod and leave the room.

Draco writes to his dad about what Snape had said. The two try to study but they are restless; they find they are more interested in solving the riddle of the chamber. They decide to investigate.

They head down the corridor at random and just kind of go to places neither of them had been too.

"You don't think the chamber of secrets is the chamber where they hid the sorcerer's stone last year?" Harry asks.

Draco puzzles. "Well it wouldn't be very secret then would it?"

"I guess not." Harry puzzles. They round the corner and step in a puddle of water.

"Bathroom is flooded again." Harry observes.

"Hopefully there isn't another dead cat hanging around." Malfoy mumbles looking at the walls.

The two follow the flooding to the girls bathroom. They witness toilets overflowing and sinks running over. Harry turns the water off on the sink and as he does his fingers brush against a small decal on one of the nozzles. He looks and finds a little snake carved into the fauset. "Odd." He mumbles.

"Look at this?" Draco says pointing to a cauldron on the floor. "Somebody has been practicing potions outside of class." He peeks because he is curious. "Smells awful." He frowns and puts the lid back down.

"Great merlin I can smell that from here." Harry gasps.

"I wouldn't fiddle with that if I were you." A girl's voice says, kind of whining. "The girl brewing it told her friends it takes a month to finish and it's only been a few days."

"Maybe it will smell better after." Draco sneers. He looks around. "So who is talking?"

"Myrtle." She replies sadly appearing from a toilet stall. "Have you come to throw another book at me?"

Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin 2Where stories live. Discover now