Chapter 20

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Fidgety, Fidgety, Fidgety.

The only words roaming in my head and I can't stop my leg from shaking. 

I stared at the laptop blank screen in front of me and kept smiling like an idiot. 

I have a boyfriend now!

This thought made me feel so giddy but more than this, there was another thought that made me squeal loudly.

Taehyung is my boyfriend. He is all mine now.

I can't stop my mind from lingering back to yesterday when we were out on a date. I can still feel his presence beside me, his soft, tender hand in mine. He plump, soft, pink lips on mine as I was holding him close to me.

God, everything about him pulls me towards him like an unknown, transparent string.

"Can I come in?" A small yet deep voice broke me out of my trance.

"Taehyung!!" I yelled excited and you know what followed that. Yes, I banged my knee at the desk again.

"You better change that desk, it hurts my boyfriend especially in front of my eyes." He said glaring at my desk.

I chuckled softly and walked towards him.

"What are you doing here, bubble?" I asked him, smiling at him.

He looks beautiful even when he is not trying to.

"Actually, Koo---" He started but immediately looked down at his fingers, fiddling with his fingers.

I walked a bit closer to him and took his fiddling fingers in mine when he finally looked up to me.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I asked while smiling at him.

"Koo, I cooked today and I was wondering if you would like to come over with me?" He asked nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Of course bub, I'll do anything for you. You could've just messaged me, you didn't have to travel for such a small thing." I said as I brushed the few strands that hid his beautiful hazel orbs.

"I just wanted to. I wanted to drive with you, it makes me feel more domestic." He replied, shyly.

"Then it's a good thing you came here." I replied, chuckling.

"But aren't you busy, Koo?" He asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Well I am but nothing that Jimin hyung can't manage." I said, laughing a bit.

"That's unfair to Jimin." He replied, pouting.

I put my index finger under his chin and made him face me and I leaned in a bit.

In response, I saw him look at me first and then close his eyes slowly, waiting for whatever was coming his way.

I slowly and softly placed my lips on his. No rush, no hurry, no neediness or demanding.

I pecked him smoothly and let my lips linger on his lips for a longer time as I heard him inhale deeply.

"I have done his work a lot of times so he could spend some time with Yoongi hyung. He can return the favour once." I whispered near his lips, looking at his lips.

His pink, peachy plump lips. Chapped perfectly fine and it looked lucious and enticing. Little small lines along his lower lip were wet due to the kiss and also his habit of licking it with his tongue. He parted his lips slightly as I brushed my thumb along his lower lip.

"Koo~" he whispered softly.

"Let's get back home and try my bubble's own made food." I whispered back as he smiled shyly looking at me.

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