Saturday with Shoichi

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Normal Pov

The next day was Saturday. Tsuna woke up at 1am and quietly took a bag with his Cielo27 attire and left the house using his window. When he was far enough he opened a nigh flame portal and when he stepped through he was already in his Cielo27 attire.

“ Hey Scarlet101 how's life treating you?, Cielo27 asked. “ Not bad. You?”, Scarlet101 replied. “ Same old same old, but I made some new friends. They are wonderful guardians. I even made one yesterday and the day before.”, Cielo27 said.

“ I am really happy for you, Tsuna.”, Shoichi congratulated him, “ Now your mission today is to rescue some children from human experiments in an Estraneo famiglia headquarters in China. And find a crime scene left by that man you are searching for. If the first mission is too difficult by bringing back bad memories you can leave it.”

Cielo27's Pov

“ No, I will go. I have already arrived at their headquarters. Someone as to save these children from that hell hole.”, I whispered. I stopped communicating through the transmitter and looked around.

I was on top of a large inconspicuous building. I was hidden in the shadows away from the bright light and patrolling mafiosos on the ground. They didn't notice my presence, so I entered the base.

First I took out their cameras and security systems, including traps.  Then I rescued the kids and used a portal to send them a mile away from this place. I scanned the entire building for more children and when I found none i decided to take care of the scientists and guards.

I stumbled upon the experiment rooms and what I saw caused me to want to puke. The scientists in the base were dissecting children and observing their insides. I was so furious it made something inside me snap and I couldn't control my next movements.

Scientists in the room Pov

We felt the room dropped several degrees below zero and we looked up to see an intruder. It was a kid in a suit, cloak, a hood covered his head and a mask covered his face. The huge killing intent in the entire base was coming from this kid.

His iris turned black and black flames sorounded him
Hahahaha, you have no idea what you have done. You monsters dissected those children, but I will show you that I am more of a monster than you by dicapitating all of you limb by limb. Hahaha .”

He came towards us laughing like he was being possessed. He moved fast as lightning and as ferocious as a tiger he tore our limbs from our body and laughed in ecstasy at our painful screams. The guards came in and was met with the same faith as us. The last thing we saw before our deaths was the kid covered in blood from top to bottom.

Tsuna's POV

I gasped for breath as I finally got a hold of myself. I looked around with blank eyes at the scene. Blood, dead bodies, dicapitated limbs, and I was in the center of it all. I knew what happened. My negative half of me took control whenever I got really angry and the end result was always the same, dead.

I blamed Estraneo for this. I developed this side of me when they endlessly experimented on us. That final experiment my negative side came out and took control of my night flames and killed the scientists back then just like how it did now. I was afraid the others would see the state the bodies were on so I made them leave before me.

I left the building after I set it on fire with my flames. I left and reappear at a door belonging to a beautiful apartment. I rang the doorbell and a red head teen wearing glasses and casual clothes opened the door for me. He took one look at me before he pointed to the bathroom.

When I finished showering I burnt everything I wore and changed into some casual clothes too. When I came out of the shower drying my hair Shoichi greeted me with two cups of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies on the table. He gave me a cup and offered me the cookies . I played around with the cup because I had no appetite to eat.

Shoichi's Pov

I got up and sat beside him hugging him to my chest. I said in a soothing tone, “ Tsuna it's ok if you cry. I am always here for you. Cry if it hurts because I know that you lost control again. You are not a monster for what you did, Tsuna, so it's ok if you cry.”

He started sobbing softly. He cried and cried, I didn't mind my shirt getting soaked because I knew how much he suffered. He has no one to really confide his true feelings to so I let him cry his heart out. After a while he fell asleep. I played with his fluffy brown hair and blushed at how cute and adorable he was when he was asleep.

I layed him on a bed in my guess room and tucked him in with a comfy blanket. I wrote a note in his handwriting saying that he was at a friend's house. Next I used a mini Drone to fly the note into his room so his mom won't worry, and Reborn won't get suspicious.

I went to sleep on the coach next to the bed incase he got a nightmare, because he often does whenever something bad happened to him during the day.
When it was 7am I got up and made us some breakfast.

I waited for him to wake up on his own. When he did he went to the bathroom and freshen up before we ate breakfast together. I told him I was taking him some where and not to go home because I already sent a note. He just nodded and came with me.

I brought him to an arcade where we spent most of the day. For lunch I brought him to a cafe because I know he loved cakes, especially strawberry. I bought an entire cake for him and hamburgers for myself, and we enjoyed our meal along with milkshakes.

He never spoke a word or smiled the entire day except when I bought him to the cafe, little Tsuna had a sweet tooth no doubt about that. I brought him home despite knowing he wanted to stay away from it longer. I was about to ring the doorbell when he invited me in.

He introduced me to his mom, Reborn, and two kids Futta and Lambo. I saw him offer the kids a jar of candies and told them to share using his notepad. While he was doing this I looked at his twin and saw him staring at me as well. I wondered if he knew how much pain he had put is brother through.

Politely declining his mother's invitation to dinner I said goodbye to them.  Before I left I told Tsuna, “ Tsuna, about the second task I spoke to you about this morning you should do it on a later date because you are not feeling well. Also, Tsuna, there is no problem being yourself around them, if they can't accept you for you then remember I am always here for you.”

He nodded and I left, but he showed me a note before I made it to the door Shoichi thank you for today. It cheered me up a little. I laughed as I hugged him then I left.

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