Chapter 1: Tall, Dark and Broody

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I made grabby hands at Scott as soon as tall, dark and broody disappeared. I clutched his clothes, shaking him aggressively.

"Do you know who that was?!" I demanded.

Scott frowned at my hands where they were molesting his shirt, and then met my eyes. "Should I?" He asked disinterestedly, as he turned to head back the way we had come.

"That was Derek freaking Hale," I emphasized. "You know... the whole family burned alive- Hale fire?!"

Scott stopped in his tracks. "Really? I thought he left town shortly after it happened," he answered, before starting to walk again. I noticed he was doing a lot less stumbling than he normally did, and elected to ignore it for now- but I stored the information away for later.

"Well obviously- he's back," I said with an eye roll. "The dude is seriously creepy," I scoffed, remembering his dangerous eyes and the fact that he showed up in the middle of the woods! I mean- what 21 year old just creeps around the woods going "this is private property" all grouchy like that?! The dude is weird- and totally gives me the creeps. Nevermind that he's gorgeous enough to be a model... like I need any more of that in my life. Jackson and Danny are bad enough for Christ sakes.

Where am I going with this?

"Stiles!" Scott shouted from a ways in front of me. How long have I been standing here? I scrambled to catch up with him before I ran into creepy Derek again.

"Sorry!" I yelled back, catching up to him with a nervous smile. I was fairly winded when I caught up... and it registered in the back of my mind that he wasn't. In fact- Scott hadn't touched his inhaler since Derek threw it at him.

He rolled his eyes fondly and gave me a friendly shove as we broke through the trees and headed for my jeep.

"Hey baby!" I patted its sky blue hood happily, trailing my hand as I made my way to the drivers side.

I suddenly felt like I was being watched, and jerked around to search the trees behind us suspiciously. Scott had already climbed into the passenger seat. My eyes searched, straining to see something that probably wasn't there.

"Dude! Let's go," Scott said impatiently, making a 'what are you doing' face at me. I looked back into the trees one more time before shrugging and climbing into the drivers seat.

"I just felt like someone was watching me, okay?!" I snapped. Scott just snorted.

"He really got under your skin- didn't he?" He chuckled. I shot him a glare before pulling out onto the road and heading home.

"What?! He's creepy and muscular and weird! I'm just a little freaked out is all. I mean- he was just randomly wandering in the middle of the woods!" I demanded, arms flailing to reiterate my point.

"You mean like we were?" He smirked.

"Thats different! We had a reason," I pointed out.

"Yeah! Because I lost my inhaler when we were out galavanting in the woods in middle of the night looking for a dead body!" He shot back.

"Fair point," I conceded. I smiled at my best friend. Only he would let me drag him out into the woods at midnight to look for a dead body, and I was eternally grateful. I was about to open my mouth when Scott spoke for me.

"Yeah- yeah, you're welcome for being the best friend ever," he grinned.

"You read my mind," I chuckled, before pulling into his driveway.

"I know," he said cockily. "See you at school!" He said as he slammed his door. I gave him a wave before backing out and heading home myself.

I pulled into the empty driveway with a heavy sigh, once again noting the missing cruiser. Dad must be working late- again. I parked the Jeep, switching it off as I let my head fall back against the seat for a moment. Weekends off were a thing of the past with him- and I desperately missed them. I missed not being home alone, missed eating meals with someone else. Mind you- I was always the one doing the cooking, even then- but still. It was nicer to eat with someone else.

Tall, Dark and Handsome meets Almost Tall, Fair-Skinned and Sarcasm {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now