Assassin and the Assassins

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Jacob Frye, London's most well know assassin walked down the alley in hope to find a few blighters and thugs to kill.

They they were, coming right towards the assassins. Fools.
Not an entire ambush. Jacob kept turning and twisting avoiding the blades and punches. He threw his knifes and threw some punches of his own, this fight was going no where.

It was then at that moment Jacob caught a figure walking towards him and the blighters.

She was definitely a girl based of the way the black suit curved over her chest regarding all the other layers of cloth. She wore a black cloak , darker than midnight with a hood. Jacob couldn't see anything beyond that hood.

That woman stuck her arms out in front of herself and two blades went firing out into two thugs throats.

Most of the blighters went over to the woman, she was quick and swift using two beautiful twin blades slicing down the blighters.

With the final two she stabbed the blade under their chin to out of the top of their heads.

She watched as the bodies fell to the ground before sheathing the two blades and taking out her hidden blade.

In a few swift moves the remaining thugs were gone. The woman picked up Jacob's dagger and handed it to him.

"Be careful next time I just may not be there, Jacob Frye," The woman said sparing Jacob a quick glance before disappearing into the fog Jacob could've sworn wasn't there moments ago.
Maybe he was just still a little tipsy from being with the rooks all night.

He looked at the dagger in his hands and all the dead blighters and thugs, and that- woman the way she took down those men like they were nothing.. and her voice- her voice it sounded like heaven but promised a slow, painful death. Jacob didn't know what to think as he walked away the opposite direction of where that woman went.


Jacob Frye, so much for being 'London's greatest assassin' y/n told herself as she hopped roof to roof.

She paused at one where she saw Evie Frye, Jacob's twin sister below them outside a saloon talking with Henry Green.
Y/n's mind drifted back to Jacob the fact that he couldn't take in 27 blighters was odd for an assassin.

Y/n watched as Jacob made his way to Evie and Henry looking distraught but quickly wiping the expression away once he got close enough.

Y/n struggled to hear anything other than Jacob yelling "Hey Greenie!"

She decided to leave, they had nothing to do with her life. Y/n made her way to the train stations and picked up a newspaper

Mayor of  London hosting party all of  wealth are welcome.
———————————————————————— Party date: April 27th
Dress Formal and exquisite for your mayor!!
                 London Press

Y/n looked and at paper. "Maybe I could find something out of there, but no way in hell am I dressing up. Sneaking is better," Y/n mumbled to herself.

She shoved the paper in her pocket then went off.

Jacob couldn't sleep that night all he thought about was that assassin, the way she moved, her voice, her everything. Jacob cursed himself for not letting it go.

He kept staring at the dagger that she'd given back to him. He didn't even know her name.

Jacob sighed and sat up looking at the newspaper he stole before his train departed.
"Party at the mayors place huh? I'll shekvthai to Evie tomorrow," Jacob muttered brocade laying back down on his bed.

He'd find that assassin, even if he had to go to the ends of the Earth to find her he would, he needed to find her.

Ay this is my first chapter!! Please forgive me for any spelling or grammar errors

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