chapter 14

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When Maggie woke the next morning, the hospital wing was drowsed in light, indicating to her that it was in fact the morning.

She hauled her self up weakly into a sitting position, back resting against the head of the bed frame.

It took a second too sink in, but soon enough it all came flooding back.

The werewolf, the conversation with Sirius,

the engagement.

Maggie's eyes adorned with tears as she thought of it.

Of course they hadn't told her, it was very like her parents, to keep secrets from her. She usually didn't care, unbothered by the nauseas nonsense her parents discussed, but this- this was Maggie's future that they were keeping from her.

Not only had they not told her about it, but they hadn't even asked for her opinion on the matter. It had already been set in stone.

Her fate sealed.

Maggie closed her eyes and desperately tried to imagine that her and Avery would re-live the fantasy of one of her novels.

That like many a tale, they would be forced into an unwilling marriage, but end up falling deeply and romantically in love.

But instead of consolidating her, the thought merely repulsed her even more.

She opened her eyes, trying to quickly to get rid of the disgusting image now enclosed in her brain.

Within a few minutes, Madame Pomphery, noticing the girls consciousness, had scurried over to assist her.

"Good too see you are awake! How are you feeling dear?" The brooding lady questioned.

"Umm, okay" Maggie began, still trying to erase the treacherous thought from her mind, "My head hurts though".

"Yes, I can see why" The nurse nodded, as she examined the infected gash accompanying a crimson bruise on Maggie's forehead.

"Apparently you woke up last night, but fell back to sleep before I could get to you." She explained, tutting her head in annoyance as she did.

"O-Oh- sorry" Maggie apologised, all though she wasn't really sure what for, she often found her self apologising even when unnecessary, it was habit now.

"Oh don't be silly darling, it's not your fault! Although I don't know how you managed to sleep through the chaos of those rampageous boys?! Chattering all night!!" She exclaimed.

Maggie let out a small laugh, knowing exactly who she was talking about, but almost immediately her face dropped in shame, and almost embarrassed as she remembered their severed friendship.

Although she wasn't really sure where she stood with the boys anymore, well, more specifically Sirius.

For he had comforted her, and let her cry in his lap, and fall asleep in his arms, but perhaps that was just out of pity. She wasn't sure.

After about 10 minutes of light chatter between her and Madame Pomphery, whilst the nurse applied clean bandages and necessary ointments to Maggies indgury, Pomphery stepped aside, finished with her work.

"Now young lady", she began, "you are too remain here until I say so, understood."

Maggie nodded.

Pomphery, knowing Maggie was wise enough to heed her advise and stay put, unlike a specific group of boys, turned and began to leave, before quickly swivelling around as though she had forgotten something.

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