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"Kira, dear." A voice hummed, but she remained perfectly still. "Don't ignore me, darling." She turned around, the chair spinning with her.

~"May I help you, uncle Loki?" She pouted.

"It's come to my attention, that you've been a very bad girl. Now, the killing your abusive ex boyfriend, I can live with. But why must you make you family eat his remains?"

~"Because I'm evil by the book, and class is in session."

"You know this isn't you, Kira. Were worried about you." He said sincerely, sitting beside her on an empty seat. "You have to let us help you."

~"That's funny coming from the guy who was exiled by his family, yet, for some reason, now, wants to be the do-gooder." She said.

"I'm a do-gooder when it comes to you, darling."

~"Alright, fine. Give me one good reason, why I should let little Kira go, and I'll consider it." She sneered.

"Because your dad needs you." She rolled her eyes.

~"Shut the door on your way out." Loki got to his feet, approaching the door.

"You can't be that far gone."

"And how'd you work that one out?"

"Because you called me uncle Loki." He said, before leaving her be. She got to her feet, following him out, and lifting her hands in the air. He froze, and his body started to tremble. She was so blinded by rage, she couldn't even see what was going on anymore. Until she felt a hand on her wrist. She turned her head, scowling at Natasha.

"Hate me all you want, Kiddo, but I still love you with everything I have." She says, with a shrug.

"If you loved me, you'd stay out of my way."

"It's because I love you, that I'm not gonna leave you alone." In one swift motion, Kira grabbed the letter opener from the table behind her, and stabbed Nat right in the shoulder blades.

"Love... gets you killed."


As she rooted through her fathers draws, she hummed to herself. What was she looking for? They didn't know. Why did she need it? They didn't know that, either. But she wouldn't stop until she got her hands on it. Eventually she grew silent, as she picked up a piece of paper, and flipped it over. ~"Dear Mr Tony Stark, this is your last chance. Give us the girl, or we'll come after everyone you love, and you'll watch them all die, blah blah blah." She tossed the note to the side, and let out a groan. ~"It's not here."

"What's not here?" She rolled her eyes, turning towards the door.

~"Why are you always here?" She asked, looking at him as he leant against the doorway.

"Well, since you stabbed Natasha threatened to kill your little sister, I'm here around the clock." Peter smiled, knowing his presence was getting on her nerves.

~"Maybe I should kill her now then. Get it over and done with." She said, taking a step towards him. ~"Or maybe this is you telling me you want to die first, spider-boy." She took another step towards him. ~"You know what the best thing about energy is? It cannot be created, and it cannot be destroyed. Simply... transferred." She held up her hand, her fingers crackling. ~"Maybe we should see how much we can transfer into you before you die."

"Did killing Marco make you feel better?" He asked, tilting his head.

~"No." She shrugged. ~"He didn't put a fight. But I know you will." She suddenly felt something pulling at her shirt, and looked down. ~"What do you want, child." She groaned, as Morgan peered up at her with a wide smile.

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