Chapter 12

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You head to the back of the warehouse while Chuuya heads to the front. You were expecting him to say he'd give a signal but he didn't. Instead, you just heard the screams of the men inside. You took this as your opportunity to head in and begin making your way around the warehouse. Taking out anyone who got in your way.

You kept on fighting your way through, making sure to do the job you were sent there to do. You kept on going until you were cornered by someone slightly taller than you. You tried to use your ability but the person didn't let you. You fought back against the guy and opted on using your knives instead. You charged at the guy before knocked back into the wall, knocking the wind out of you.

You kept on fighting the guy until he managed to cut your shoulder. You jumped back up and managed to use your ability on the person. You overwhelmed the person and ended up winning. You kept on running through the halls forgetting about the wound that had been inflicted.

You were to focused on the mission that was laid out in front of you. Too focused on making sure you succeeded.

You eventually made it to the main foyer of the building to see Chuuya there fighting some enemies. You joined in and used your darkness to overwhelm everyone that Chuuya was fighting. They all fell and Chuuya turned around to see you stood behind him. You walked over to him and stood next to him, awaiting the next course of action.

"That was quick." Chuuya said.

"Yeah. I just used my ability. That's all." You reply.

"So what's next?" You ask.

"We find the boss. Rumour is she's on the top floor in an office facing out onto the city of Yokohama." Chuuya says.

"Right. Ok." You reply.

You both leave the foyer and head for the stairs. Once you for halfway, you started feeling lightheaded but ignored it. Luckily Chuuya didn't notice it. You continued the climb up the stairs and eventually arrived at the top floor. You found their bosses office and Chuuya went and kicked down the door.

Their boss was sat there. In a leather chair. Facing the window. You thought you both had the element of surprise but she knew you were there.

"Oh how nice of you to join me." Their boss says.

"I take it you're here to kill me?" She says with a smile and laugh.

"No. My boss wants you. To give you a warning." Chuuya says.

"Only a warning?" She says.

"Oh no. It's more than that." Chuuya says.

Chuuya then lunged at the woman in front and held her down with his gravity. She didn't fight back. At all. She just willingly let Chuuya use his ability on her. Without fighting back. This annoyed both you and Chuuya. Why be a fearless gang leader, if you are going to willingly let your enemy capture you? It didn't add up.

"Chuuya." You say, trying to get his attention.

"What?" He says, turning to you.

"Come here." You say.

He turned away from the woman with his ability still active and walked over towards you.

"What's up?" Chuuya says.

"Something tells me this is a trap." You say.

"Oh? And what makes you say that?" Chuuya says.

"I know you hate the ADA, but after being in the ADA a while you learn a few things. The way she just willingly let you capture her? The way she just didn't fight back? It's suspicious. Very." You say.

"Hmm. You have a point. About it possibly being a trap. But how do we prove it?" Chuuya says.

"We look around for other people. Or at the least, find a radio or earpiece." You say.

"Ok. And how do we know what that is?" Chuuya says.

"Boss. We heard a door slam open, is everything alright?" Someone says.

"They aren't in the room. Shit. There's a radio." You say.

"So there's more people here?!" Chuuya says.

"Ok. So there's a radio and back up. What's the best plan of action? Knock out the boss and tie her to the chair? Or do we send one of us to go deal with them? But then again, how many?" You thought to yourself.

"What's the best plan?" You ask.

"You go and fight them, I'll stay here with her." Chuuya says.

You run off downstairs and start fighting the thugs that their boss sent in. You managed to subdue them all before heading back upstairs to Chuuya. You were still feeling lightheaded. But you ignored it. You eventually made it back to the top flight and headed back towards the room Chuuya was in.

You eventually made it back to the room to see the woman out cold and Chuuya leaning on a wall. He noticed you had come inside the room and walked away from the wall. He grabbed the woman and carried her with his ability downstairs. You followed behind him but leaning against the railing. Chuuya didn't see you leaning against the railing but you were trying your hardest to stay standing.

You were close to passing out but you again ignored it. You eventually made it back to your cars and you unlocked yours and sat down in the drivers seat, leaning your head against your steering wheel. Chuuya had put the woman in his car and noticed you leaning your head against the steering wheel and went over to you.

"What?" Chuuya says.

"Hmm?" You say, looking up at him.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now