Chapter 2

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Aaron's POV

I was surprised to see Ein right in front of me. He was shaking, I'm guessing in fear. He should be scared but I didn't want him to collapse outside the door. I pulled him in my room and pinned him to the wall by the throat. His eyes widened and grabbed my hand to try and pull me away. I growled, my ears popping out. He whimpered making my eyes widened. I thought he wasn't a wolf anymore. I let him go and he fell to the ground, coughing and holding his neck.

"What the?" I mumbled confused. His eyes looked up, tears in his eyes, he had the cutest puppy like eyes. What!? Why did I think he was cute!? 

"Don't talk to me when you're here!" I growl at him and walk away and into my room.

Ein's POV

I saw Aaron storm into his room and once his dorm slammed close that's when I got up. I scrambled to grab my stuff and head to the empty room to unpack.

~TimeSkip brought to you by a lazy puppy T^T~

I was laying in my bed on my phone when a nice smell filled my nose. It smelled so good, I shifted in my bed so my feet were dangling of the bed. I hopped of my bed and walked out of room. It has to be Aaron making something. I hesitantly walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. Aaron must've smelled me because he growled out a, "I can smell you, Ein."

I sheepishly walked into the kitchen fully, "S-Sorry.." I stutter looking at my feet.

"What do you need?" He growled, glaring at me, making me shrink back.

"U-Um..-" My sentence was cut off by my stomach letting out a loud growl.

Aaron let out a chuckle which caught me by surprised and a light blush made it's way up my cheeks, "I guess you're hungry, I made a little extra, you can have some."

My face flushed and I smiled, "Yes!" Aaron chuckled again, "Someone's hungry, huh?"

I nodded excitedly, grabbing a plate of food and sat at the small dinning table that was in the dorm. I probably looked like a excited puppy as I happily stuffed my face with food. I'm glad I've done a good job hiding my tail and ears.

Aaron walked by with his plate to sit at the other end of the table when I felt him sniff me. It sent shivers down my spine, "Wh-What are you doing?" I mumble looking up at him.

Aaron rose a brow, "Your scent is different.." My eyes widened, he must smell the wolf part of me. I had a different scent when I was human.

"Your nose must be messed up." I shrugged going back to eating my food. Aaron didn't look convinced one bit, but didn't pry anymore and sat down in his chair.

"I should probably tell you.." Aaron said making me look up.

"What?" I questioned with a confused look.

"The others are here.." He mumbled making my eyes widen in fear.

"N-No.." I mumble to myself. That means that Katelyn and Blaze are here! No, No, No! I'm so dead!"

"Hey Hey, Calm down.." Aaron tried to calm me down from my inner-panic attack.

"Wh-Why are you being so nice?" I ask a a little confused. Why was he being nice? I thought he hated my guts..

"Because.." He paused for a second rubbing the back of his neck.

"You've changed.." He smiled at me making me lightly blush.

"You would be mean as soon as you saw me, so that's how I know you've changed. And I don't think evil Ein would be so scared of me." Aaron smirked making me glare at him.

"Hey! It's not my fault you're scary!" I pouted and he chuckled which just made me pout more.

Then I was brought back to the matter at hand, "What about Katelyn and the others..?" I mumbled getting scared again.

"I'll be your bodyguard then. I'll keep you away from the others, kay?" He said with a light smile. I nodded and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He nodded standing up and going back to his seat.

"Let's just continue eating." I nodded at what he said, happily eating the delicious food he made. 

[Sorry if it's bad, I'm not that good with righting first person T^T]


Published on 2/14/21

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