Chapter 29 - Holiday Gala

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" Rose asked.

"Huh?" Shej asked, snapping out of her daze and looking at her. "N-nothing."

"You don't seem like 'nothing,' Shej," she replied.

Leena looked down the dark hallway, seeing the door at the end Cerno talked about. She turned back to Sheja. "Is this the hallway in your nightmare?"

Sheja hesitated. "Yeah."

"Well, you heard your brother. Just don't go outside or someone will have to let you back in," Leena said, smiling as she tried to lighten Shej's mood. "Now if you please, I really have to pee."

Sheja chuckled, following Leena and Rose again. Once inside the bathroom, Sheja assisted Leena with her dress while Rose gave herself a hair and makeup check.

"So how long was my brother out for?"

"What do you mean, Sheja?" Rose asked.

Shej and Leena could both be heard chuckling. "His first time. How long was he out for while he recovered his source?"

Rose turned back and stared at the stall door.

"It was obvious in the carriage tonight, Rosie," Shej said. She opened the door and grinned teasingly at her, the toilet flushing as Leena followed behind. Shej turned to make sure Leena's dress was all set proper again.

"His demeanor was completely different. He was more relaxed, more open," Leena added.

"That doesn't mean anything," Rose laughed. "He's just in good spirits tonight."

"He is, but at the same time he was still worried. He's my twin, I can feel what he feels." As Leena walked over and washed her hands, Shej took Rose's hands in hers and smiled. "I'm not scolding you for bedding with him before you two were wed, I'm thanking you."

Rose looked confused.

"You've made him happy. Tonight, in the carriage, it's the first time I've felt like I really had my brother back...the him I knew when we were children. You opted to share the sins he carries on his heart and I can see how weightless he feels." Shej grinned. "I was just curious if he was blacked out longer than I was."

"Two days before he recovered enough to stay awake," Rose said finally, a grin forming.

"Weak," Leena joked.

"How many days for you, Shej? I mean, did you even have first-timers drain since you're a woman and all?"

"Ohh yeah," she said, laughing. "I think it was four?"

"Five," Leena corrected, standing back up straight after making sure her lipstick was still on point. "I'm surprised you guys didn't wait for marriage. Although, I mean, this is Saorsa...traditions are only there for those who want to uphold them. It's just really nice to know that no one gets outcast like back home."

"Nothing is traditional for me, traditions were taken away from me a long time ago. And Cerno found himself needing a little attention...except the attention got a little out of hand," she said, chuckling as she shrugged.

Shej smiled.

"What do you mean your traditions were taken away?" Leena asked.

"Are you sure you want to know? My only tradition is falling into Taboo Statistics."

"Oh no," Leena started, looking saddened at Rose.

"Only if you want to share," Shej said softly. "I want to know more about my soon to be sister-in-law, but only what you're willing to tell."

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