Chapter One

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I looked out the window and watched the snow fall, wishing it wasn't the weekend. I looked down and saw the green and blue chalk all over my hands. I took the chalk and finished my drawing. I despise the weekend. I'd much rather be at school around people who ACTUALLY like me. Not like at home where my family thinks I'm always lying

"Évelyne! Dinner is ready!" my mother yelled out.
"Okay! One second!" I said.

I put down my drawing notepad and turned off the lights. As I came down the stairs I could smell our dinner. I walked into the kitchen and saw my sister, Marie's boyfriend, Tyler.

"Hi Évelyne!" He said.
"How're you?" He asked.
"I'm good thanks, and yourself?" I said lying to his face.
"I'm great."

I grabbed my plate and put some food on it.

"Dinner looks great!" I told my mom.

She just smiled. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, broccoli and rolls; yumm.
I finished eating and put my dishes in the dish washer. As I was leaving the kitchen, my step-dad, Thomas, said,
"Don't you dare go anywhere Évelyne. We still have to do the blessing!"
"Ugh, I hate the blessing. It's so gay." I thought to myself.

My mom, Tyler, Marie, Thomas, and my sister, Britt, were already sitting at the table. I sat back down and Thomas started the blessing. It went on for about 20 minutes. What a waste of time. The entire time Thomas was talking I was thinking about him. He's so confusing, yet I understand him completely. This "he" is my Connor.

I walked up the stairs, into my room under my loft and got on my iPad.
"Snap chat from Connor😹" read the screen. I unlocked it and open up his picture.

"Hey Eve, what's up?" said the snap

I snapped him back a pic that said,

"Nothing really, bored af. Hbu?"

One minute later he said,

"Same :/"

"Wanna ask each other random questions?" I asked.

"Sure" he replied.

We asked each other random stuff for about a half an hour.

"If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?" I asked Connor.

"Nothing. Nothing at all :)"

I smile and say "really?"

"Hun, would I ever lie to you?"

I got all warm and fuzzy inside.

"What's happening to me??" I thought to myself.
I push that thought aside and say,

"Aw, thanks Connor :)"

"Anytime Eve :)" he replied.

I look up at the clock and see that it's 10:01 p.m. All of the sudden I hear my name coming from the kitchen. My sister, Amanda, was home. She was talking to my step dad Thomas. I snuck down the stairs so then I could hear them more clearly.

"I think she's lying." Said Amanda .

"About what?" Thomas asked.

"About last weekend." She said.
Last weekend, what a horrible night.

I was at my dads house watching some t.v. In his room, when I heard glass break.

"Great, he's drunk... AGAIN." I thought to myself.

I got up and went into the kitchen where I found my dad.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked him shyly.

My dad turned around and did something I could never imagine...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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