18. A total 180-

Start bij het begin

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"So these people could have been running from that?" I offer. They all frown at me as though I've said something they didn't like.

"Or not?" I add.

"Kats witches are-" Nic pauses, as if thinking over his words carefully.

"Prestigious? High strung? Shitty people that think above us all because they're inbred freaks?" Kole offers.

The others chuckle.

I frown disapprovingly.

"They'd never come to us bella." Nic says simply.

"Okay, if you're sure." I drawl. He nods.

"So we question them?" Liam asks.

"By question you mean-" I drawl.

My mates stiffen.

"What we normally do when people threaten our pack." Nic says, and the hard edge on his lips makes me feel I cold.

"Well they didn't threaten us yet." I say.

"Keyword, yet. Why give them a chance. If you're right about the blood thing then they could have a way to pull down the barrier without our knowledge. And it's no secret they don't like wolfs. We're the biggest pack in America, if they had a chance to kill us they would." Kole says.

"Well can't we talk first then do whatever it is you want to do?"

Nic sighs and waves a hand.

"Fine. I'm not talking with them and I don't want you around one of those things." Kole spits with disgust.

I scoff. "So we send a pack member?" I ask. They look at me with matching scowls.

"Or I could start my job as Luna today." I say with a small smile that I hope will convince them.

"Like hell." They say together.

           ***             ***             ***

Ten minutes later we are four floors underground.

I prepare myself for a dark concrete room with thick bars.

I prepare for blood and stained floors and perhaps screams of agony.

But what I get is...

Not that.

It's a small hallway that has about four rooms on either side. It was a little cramped but overall not bad.

Nic takes my hand and pulls me toward the first room.

He stops outside and frowns at me.

I wait, raising an eyebrow.


I step inside and look around. This room had a small cot and a bench as well as a toilet and a sink. It looked much like a prison cell without the bars.

"Hello puppies." A male voice coos. I turn and spot the speaker.

My eyes widen a little as I take him in.

He had a very large forehead, and his head was an odd shape that didn't seem totally human. His nose was very rounded and his jaw jutted out ever so slightly.

"Stare, stare." He says with a smirk.

I blush and look away.

Kole tightens the grip he has on my hand when I start to step away.

"Why were you trespassing?" Kole asks coldly.

"Pet adoption, thought we might adopt a puppy." He drawls thoughtfully.

"A cuter one obviously." He adds, wrinkling his nose as he gauges the three of us.

"We can add freaks to the list of sights we offer for people to see if you guys send any more over." Kole says in the same innocent tone.

They both glare.

I shift and the man looks at me, his eyes narrowed.

A shudder wracks my body as what feels like cold water gets poured over my head.

"Kats?" I blink and give my head a little shake.

"Fine." I clear my throat and inhale shakily.

I felt like I'd went outside in a snow storm with wet hair.

My head was throbbing, and my limbs felt heavy.

I feel Nic's eyes on me but I wave to where I think the man is sitting.

I see three of him so I can't be sure.

I hear a muffled voice, then abrupt yelling.

I feel fire shoot up my right arm.

I jerk my hand free from Kole's, immediately losing my balance.

Spots blur my vision and as Kole yanks me from the room I get dizzy.

I feel Nic's arms around me as I stumble from the room. I push him off and drop to my knees, hurling into a trash can. Or maybe that was a flowerpot.

Someone holds my hair back as my breakfast leaves my stomach. My hand was still burning, along with my arm.

It felt like someone had sliced my arm off and put hot coals under my skin.

I shake my hand, pushing off Kole and Nic, not wanting the fire to spread.

It was like a total one eighty.

Ten seconds ago I was fine and now I was in such pain my vision had spots.

Before I can figure out what's going on, everything goes black.



<3 love and kisses

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