The Silent Duelist

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( 3rd POV )

Years ago when Dante was only 5 his father gave him a great gift for his birthday that year.

Dad: Hey Dante I have a gift for you.

Young Dante: What is it dad?

Dad: This.

He gave Dante a box in wrapping paper. He hurried to take if off and saw a deck and looked through it, then saw 2 cards that caught his eyes.

 He hurried to take if off and saw a deck and looked through it, then saw 2 cards that caught his eyes

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Young Dante: But dad aren't these-

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Young Dante: But dad aren't these-

Dad: My Silent Swordsman and Magician? They are.

Young Dante: But why give them to me? Aren't these your favorite cards?

Dad: They are, but throughout all the years I've had these I've never been able to bring out their full potential. But you will be able to though Dante.

Dante: What makes you think that dad?

Dad: Call it a strong gut feeling but I'm sure you'll be able to use these cards better than I've been able to. So you think you can take care of them for me?

Dante: ( Smiles ) Yea!

Dad: Awesome. Now come here.

They went for a hug and Dante was crying a bit because of his dad believing that he would be able to use these cards better then he's ever been able to use them. 

( Time skip- 11 years )

The young boy grown as a duelist since then was able to beat people with his Silent monsters.

The young boy grown as a duelist since then was able to beat people with his Silent monsters

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The Silent Duelist ( Yugioh x Male OC Reader )Where stories live. Discover now