Episode 1: Statement of Intent

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(I do not own the pictures or videos posted for this fan fiction, I am a fan of Sega and this story was fan made to enjoy by other fans out there)

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(I do not own the pictures or videos posted for this fan fiction, I am a fan of Sega and this story was fan made to enjoy by other fans out there)


"Get off the streets!" shrieked your run-of-the-mill trench coat ped. They cussed and wailed but he still pushed through them, parting the crowds like a prophecy-seeking rudie that was high off his own ego. They were nothing but the milliseconds that were lost in the distance behind him. All that mattered was the whirring wheels of his blades and the skidding of asphalt beneath them. What gave him momentum gave him speed, and what gave him speed gave him absolute freedom.

"Rrrrrruff!" came a low bark from inside the kid's blue hood.
"Today's the day Pots!" the kid yelled back and made a sharp turn towards a narrow alley, disturbing some more peds exiting a local sushi joint.

The windows of the shopping marts reminded him of who he was going to be. Yoyo, the bright green-haired kid with a silver tongue. He made a sideways grin at his reflection as he glided by glossy window panes, shifting his body and now skating in the same direction backwards. And this evil little smirk will be my personal trademark of a badass! He thought before being so rudely interrupted.

"Yeah well, maybe if you stopped gawking at yourself you would've found something by now! You think you're so cool with your green hair, but I had no choice in the matter!" Pots whined into Yoyo's ear.

Yoyo made an abrupt stop, his blades emitting sparks.
"C'mon Pots you know you love the green! Pretty soon we'll be making the green, with these badass enhancements I made on my blades! Plus, we need to be noticed which is why I chose neon green!" Yoyo ran his fingers through his hair and leaned up close to a parked car window.

Pots jumped out of Yoyo's hood. "Yeah, but what makes you think that I wanted to match your bright idea?!" The bright green dog scratched his ear with his hind leg then sniffed it.
"That jacket of yours could use some washing too," Pots continued to stretch the way normal dogs do only he wasn't a normal dog.

"You know you can't smell, Pots. Besides, it's only temporary. Once I get in good with the GGs I'll change you back to your normal color, kay?" Yoyo lowered his red shades and gave Pot's a cocky wink.
"Ha! Like you stand a chance with those guys, they're gonna laugh at your hair when they're done beating your sorry kid butt!" Pots dragged his hind legs at Yoyo throwing loose gravel his way.
"Geez, what's got you so mad? You know I've been preparing for this moment since - ! Don't you go trying to talk me out of it now!" Yoyo gave a sigh and adjusted his shades. He swerved back up to the car window, this time with a determined expression. He wasn't going to argue with Pots right now, not when he had a task set by the GGs. Yoyo wasn't going to blow it, especially after all the work he put into getting their attention. He cringed internally at the thought of screwing everything up.

Pot's just cocked his head to the side and said to Yoyo's reflection, "Listen, I get that this is a big thing for you, but do you really want to hang around with this group? They're not necessarily your kind of crowd -"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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