His mood went low, while his smile faded. It's not like him and Law would work out, he's not gay. Even if he was gay Luffy doesn't even know if Law likes him! Maybe he's just born to be single the rest of his life...

"Oh, I'm sorry..." She quieted down, "Well! I do have a lot of gay friends y'know."

"Like who?" He sighed.

"First, there's Lucci. He's a police officer but he's so tense. Then there's Katakuri, but he's our store rival." Nami counted with her fingers.

"Your friends with our rival?" Luffy asked.

Nami shrugged, "What? They make good donuts."

"Well, I can make better." Luffy turned.

Him and Nami worked at a 24/7 diner, Linlin cafe is one of their "restaurant rivals " they make all kinds of sweets. Luffy is in charge of baking around here, so he does the best he can. He doesn't dress up like a girl though here, he doesn't even wear makeup.

It's not like he needs it though, the makeup just makes him look more like a girl. He was already kind of does with his body, but he looks more feminine with makeup on. It was hard living a "second life" like a girl.

He'd have to buy a whole new set of clothing just so he'd look like a girl. He also had to cover up the scar he had under his left eye. Luffy also had to work numerous jobs as well.

Luffy leaned against the wall, feeling slightly lightheaded.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nami asked.

"Y-Yeah just a little dizzy." He panted.

"You can go home if you'd like." She offered, "I can cover your shift."

"No, no, I'm fine I swear." Luffy faked a smile walked off.

He just has to do this for a couple more hours...


Luffy barely got any sleep, his work at the diner usually starts at midnight and ends at 5 am. He only got about a three-hour sleep because he also had to get groceries, go to the bank, and pay his rent. After all, it was the end of the month.

He yawned as he slumped against the bus stop. He was waiting for Law to come, he told him to meet him here. They had to wear disguises though so no one can see him. Luffy adjusted his red baseball cap and zipped up his gray sweater.

Maybe a little sleep is okay...

"Luffy-ya." Law softly said.

Luffy flinched, "Oh Law..."

"Are we going to visit your brother?" Law asked.

"Y-Yeah," Luffy stuttered, "The bus is right here."

As the bus parked Luffy grabbed Law's hand. He brought him over to the vehicle. When they went inside Law's stomach turned. This place was so dirty to him. The people in the bus had messy frizzy hair, their clothes were stained, and the smell was horrendous.

Law plugged in his nose as they sat down at two empty seats. He turned over to Luffy, he seemed like he was used to this. Law only rode in limos, expensive cars, and once a carriage. He never even touched a bus or even sat in one.

"'Mmm..." Luffy groaned.

Law looked over at him, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... just a little light-headed." Luffy huffed, "I didn't get much sleep..."

Law frowned, "Sleep on me."

"Huh? No, it's fine Law." Luffy softly mumbled.

Law put Luffy's head on his shoulder, he held him close. Law was warm, he wore a very expensive coat. Luffy smiled as he cuddled close to him, he was only in a sweater and jeans. While Law was wearing black sunglasses, his fur hat, and his gray pea coat. He also had brown leather gloves as well.

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