Chapter Three

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A/N: Oh my gosh I got to Chapter Three!!! Yay~! Ok, so I realize that the "chapters" are really short, I'm sorry for that. I'm doing my best to keep them a decent length, so... yeah. Vote/comment if you like, don't read if you don't. Ok! Enjoy!


*Germany's POV*

I pace the house opening doors, calling out, and checking every inch of the kitchen: Italy wasn't there. Even worse was that he wasn't ANYWHERE. I had no idea where he was, only where he wasn't. It was beyond horrible... but why? Why was I pacing the house in a fury over a lazy, pasta-eating coward?

"Hey, West." Enter Prussia. As if I didn't have enough stress over one half-nation; now I had to worry about two. "What's up? You don't look so awesome."

It was a long-shot, but I had to ask. "Have you seen Italy, Bruder?"

Prussia raises an eyebrow and has a smaller, more confused smile on. "Why are you looking for him again?"

"Because he's not here," I respond, "and the idiot is going to cause problems." 'And I feel like I have to find him,' I think, 'but I don't know why.' Which is true. It's the strangest thing in the world, something I only feel when it involves the stupid Italian.

"No, Westen, i haven't seen the pasta-man," my brother says, "but I'm going to take another swing at Hungary if you want to come along."

Hungary! Of course! Maybe Italy was visiting her; he liked to do that. But she'd never let me in if I was with Prussia... "Nein, danke," I say, "I think I'll look around the house again." More like I'd have better luck by simply calling her. What was the number again?

"Suit yourself," he shrugs and walks away with the glimpse of a conspiratorial smile on his face. What was he up to? I shudder, realizing I don't even want to know.

Quickly, I grab the phone and dial Austria's number. Shortly after, Hungary answers. "I swear to God, if this is Prussia..."

I decide to cut her off, "Nein, Elizaveta. It's me."

"Oh! Germany, I can't tell you how happy I am that it's not your older brother. That bastard won't stop calling..."

I sigh, "Taht sounds like him." I suddenly remember Prussia's new "mission" and decide it'd be a good idea to give her a heads-up that he was on his way. "He's actually going to visit you in person..."

"Not again! He won't leave me alone, it's just terrible!" she exclaims, "I should go so I can call out the cavalry..."

"Wait, before you go," I say quickly so she doesn't hang up before I can ask her, "Have you seen Italy?"

"You mean he's not with you?" she asks, "But that doesn't sound right; he was going to come over today, but cancelled at the last minute. I thought he wouldv'e been with you!"

"Nein, he's not here," I say, my alarm growing with the conversation. "And he didn't leave a note saying where he went, so I thought..." then I remembered. The last time I saw Italy, he was with Romano... "Hungary, do you have Romano's cell phone number?"

"Romano's number? As in, the twin that hates you? Why don't you just call Feliciano?"

"His phone isn't with him," i say. it's true - his phone wasn't with him. It was at the bottom of the ocean by now, lost during one of his famous "fleeing at teh sight or mere mention of England" techniques.

"Well... I don't, and quite frankly I don't know who really does. Except perhaps Feliciano and Spain..."

"Spain?" I ask, just to make sure I had heard correctly. It made sense, though. Even better was knowing that Prussia had his phone number, which would definately be written down on the kitchen 'phone number directory'.

"Yes, he'll be your best chance at this point," she says, "Oh no! Here comes that idiot. I have to go, Germany; call me when you find him." Before I can respond, she hangs up.

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