Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #16

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The doorbell rings and Ferit walks up the steps. He says her name and she immediately gets up and tries to explain. Ferit has already made up his mind and cuts her off. He asks, "What lie will you tell now? You forgot we were getting married today? What are you doing here?" Nazli says, "Let's go and I will explain." Ferit heatedly continues to jump to conclusions. "There is no need to explain anything, Nazli. I understand everything." Deniz sees this isn't going well and looks to intervene but Nazli says it is between her and Ferit. Barely holding his temper, Ferit asks Deniz to leave them alone so they can talk. He was already tired of Deniz's interference, and Deniz is angry at the way Ferit treats Nazli.

Once alone, Ferit says, "I made a big mistake trusting you." Nazli again tries to explain, but Ferit cuts her off again, saying he doesn't believe anything she says. She asks, "Is that so?" With a bit in his tone, Ferit continues. "You promised me we would get married, Nazli. We were going to do this for Bulut but you went against your word. Now how are we going to make everyone believe this marriage is real?" She tries to talk but Ferit still goes on. "You have come here to talk to Deniz. What did you talk about, for God's sake? Or did you talk to him about our fake marriage plans? Come on tell me. I'm curious. Why did you come here? What is your excuse? Tell me, what lie will you say?"

Nazli sees there is no reaching him when he is in one of his moods. Realizing how little he thinks of her, she simply says, "I have no excuse." She turns away then decides better of it and strikes back. "Maybe I was confused. Maybe I didn't know what to do. Maybe I wanted to talk to Deniz. Is that okay? But don't worry. I didn't tell him about our fake marriage." She sits down on the couch then totally exhausted physically from her ordeal and mentally exhausted after sparring with Ferit.

Ferit takes a deep breath and asks the million dollar question. "What will we do now? Will we marry or not? Will you keep your promise or not?" Nazli's eyes are full of tears. "You still want to marry me?" Ferit asks, "Do you still want to keep your promise?" Nazli says, "Yes. Okay, let's marry tomorrow." That isn't good enough, Ferit yells "Today!" Nazli says, "Fine. We will marry today." When Deniz comes back in with Nazli's purse and Ferit announces they are leaving and walks out. Nazli brushes off Deniz's concern and he asks why she didn't tell Ferit what happened. She says she wanted to but saw he didn't care so why bother and she follows Ferit out the door.

The wedding is taking place at Ferit's house. The guests have been gathered, including Bulut, and everyone is waiting. Ferit looks dashing in a tuxedo and Engin is trying to calm him down. Ferit is too wound up to find humor in Engin's remarks and reminds him that everyone needs to believe in this love. Engin responds by asking, "Aren't you really in love?" Ferit gives him a look that says he can't deny it. Bulut hops over to them and says he looks like a groom too and he is going to marry Nazli. This adds some levity to the situation and Ferit smiles his first real smile of the day.

The music starts and Fatos signals that Nazli is ready. Everyone faces the staircase as she slowly floats down the steps. She looks stunning in a white gown with a lace overlay embroidered with delicate leaves. The paleness of her skin from her ordeal makes her look angelic. Her dark hair is swept to the side and comes over one shoulder in a braid and pale silk flowers adorn her head. Ferit looks at her with total admiration and love and a small smile flirts with his lips. Bulut is so excited that he meets Nazli at the bottom of the stairs. Chirping how beautiful she is, he grabs her hand and they walk to Ferit together. She exchanges a small smile with him as Bulut leaves her side. Ferit extends his hand to her and still taken in by her beauty, he leads her to the wedding table and pulls out her chair. He moves his chair closer and sits next to her.

Soon they affirm their willingness to marry and the application is signed. Bulut is bouncing around in pure happiness which makes it perfectly clear that Ferit and Nazli are doing the right thing by marrying. As they are declared husband and wife, you see Ferit breathe a sigh of relief. He looks over at Nazli and she gives him a long look and a shy smile. When the crowd starts chanting for them to kiss, Ferit lowers his head to Nazli's but she quickly turns so he can only kiss her cheek. Her message is sent loud and clear. They greet their guests and play their respective roles to perfection. After Nazli throws her bouquet, Engin announces it is time for everyone to leave and the guests filter out.

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