But that's creepy. Grown men that hide in closets go to jail and aren't allowed within certain distances of schools.

"No. I can't ask that. Just some moral support." They hug.

"I'll do you one better. I'll help you pack if you'd like." I freeze. I look up at the top shelf where suitcases sat untouched.

"No! Uh it's okay. I wanna do it myself. Pack my naughty things." My eyes widen.

I look around desperately for whatever naughty things our girl had.

"Oh uh yeah. Okay. When you're done packing those come get me."

Kate laughs awkwardly.

"Love you!" Kate calls with a wince.

"Yeah yeah say it again after you've packed!" Keira laughs over her shoulder.

I slip out of the closet and snatch up my tiny mate.

"Hmm what about these naughty things?" I head Dominic chuckle.

"I was making an excuse to get rid of her before she found you guys." She giggles into my neck. She sighs and looks around her room.

I release her.

'I've said it once I'll say it again... pick her a flower.' Asher says unhelpfully.

I kiss her cheeks and she forces a smile.

Dominic traces her lips.

"You know we love you right?" I murmur reassuringly. She pulls back and looks at us.

Her big for eyes were wide and her full lips were parted with shock.

I hear the word love bouncing around her head over and over and I realize now we haven't said it out loud. 

How had we made it a whole month. That was a almost a year in dog years ya know.

Dominic presses a kiss to her cheek, not mad I included him in my confession.

"You love me? Or is that Asher?" Asher barks inside my head.

"Both." I say. He nods inside my head. "And of corse I love you too. As does Carter." Dominic says when her big eyes move to him. 

Then she surprised us both for the second time today.

She grabs Dominic and kisses him. I feel his surprise for a moment then she turns to me.

I was more ready, though the passion in the kiss still surprised me. I move my lips on hers, flicking my tongue over hers.

Her moan makes me lose all self control.

"Wait-" She mumbles against my lips. Dominic and I still start attacking her neck with kisses.

"I love you t-too." She stutters breathlessly. I lose even more control.

Dom pushes her back against the nearest dresser and I slide my hand up her shirt.

We jump apart when someone knocks on her door. She shoves us into the closet sharply. "Stay." She whispers.

"We aren't dogs Kathrine." Asher scolds. She sends him a snort. He steals another kiss before she ducks back into her room.

The scent of her father wafts into the closet.

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