The dream that was real

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  • Dedicated to Hoochie, the bestest dog in the world

     I opened my eyes from what seemed like a roller coaster journey to a world that I'd never seen before. Green things were everywhere I looked and when i looked above my head there was this huge blue-white coloured thing which, when my vision came back to me i figured was the sky and the tree's and other fauna that belonged in a forest how the heck did i get here i thought. 

     I assumed that I was just lost and i needed to get back home... if I could remember where home was that is. I took a minute to try and remember as much as I could to how I got to this mystical place but no matter how hard I'd tried i just couldn't remember. I knew that i couldn't stay here and that I had to make a move and that was when something caught my eye from in between the trees.

     I had to squint my eyes to get a better view of the animals that were circling me from the shadows of the tree's and I noticed that they were wolves what the- I thought when one came out of the shadows and approached me slowly and with caution. As any normal person would do I began to edge backward as a surge of panic went through me at the thought that this might be the day that I died (I mean, I hadn't even written a will yet or said any goodbye's to those that I loved.)

    The wolf was so close to me now that I could feel it's warm breath on my skin, I was shaking like crazy and there was no way in hell that I was going to attempt to move and risk getting my throat ripped out  so I just waited in fear of what might happen next.

     The wolf just stared at me with it's huge beady eyes that led me to believe that this wolf was in pain and as we stared at each other I began to feel like these wolves weren't going to hurt me and instead were trying to protect me but from what? or who? I thought. Slowly, trying not to scare the wolf, I raised my right hand to it's nose and it backed off a little at first but then proceeded to sniff my muddied hand and in acceptance let me clap it's soft furry neck,for a moment it seemed that me and this wolf who could easily have kill me in a second had she wanted to, had connected. It was magical and surreal and I thought I was in a dream 'till something even more unbelievable happened.

     The wolf that was so calm before swung round catching me on the face with her bushy tail, and started to growl, immediately she was joined by the rest of her pack who stood in a semi-circle around me, all of them growling and showing their huge razor-like teeth which could cut through anything. From somewhere close but hidden by the tree's and plants, I could hear a noise that sounded like a horse's hoof pressing into the hard ground. From the shadows I could hardly believe what I saw coming out of the darkness.

     A centaur like creature appeared with two others, this could get hairy I thought as the wolves had become very hostile at this point. 

  "The girl belongs to us" said the first centaur in a loud and assertive voice that was pretty frightening to be honest.

  "You only want the girl so you can tear her apart and eat her flesh to prolong your miserable lives" growled the wolf that I clapped before, her voice sounding frightening as well but i could bear with it.

  "Let us have the girl" said the centaur " for she must be a terrible burden for you." at this his two friends chuckled under their breath.

  "She is ours now and we will not give her away to your master or anyone else! so I would give up if you don't want a big chunk taken out of you" at this the other wolves mimed a tearing action with their teeth which made the centaur's flinch a little but it also added coal to the fire

 "You dare threaten the centaur tribe, Serena!" Barked the centaur who was furious that him and his tribe had been mocked.

 "I'll do whatever I like Aados and you and your tribe ain't gonna stop us" Serena barked back and her wolves took a threatening step forward. "Leave now when you still have a chance to save you pretty little necks" She said mockingly to the centaur's, who although very irritated knew that the wolf tribe were not a tribe to mess with and backed off.

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