chapter 14:

100 3 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Sanya eila strider 8 slaughterhouse & spider patrolling. Few osean f22 raptors along with them.

They noticed their surroundings a fog appeared a sanya's antenna turned red.

F22a pilot: << can't see >>

Slaughterhouse: << focus. LASER INCOMING >>

Spider aimed his EML.

At it without even trying. He hit its mark.

Spider: << got him but that was a hit mark >>

Slaughterhouse: << damn we can't just rely on destroyer's CFA alien freaks are using fog as cover >>




Sanya & strider 8 stood up front of trigger standing behind minna.

Trigger: so it can create fog

Slaughterhouse: its knows how to hide away from nosferatu's planetwide ECM system

Trigger: don't be pointing fingers at him😡

Sanya glared at the su57 pilot. C17 landed bringing some supplies & has presents for someone else's birthday. Trude saw long caster making a cake.

Long caster: hello captain

Trude: hi. Your making cake

Long caster: oh your the first to know your husband's birthday is coming up

Trude: IT IS😨😱

Long caster: not so loud. I thought you knew?

Trude was ashamed of yourself she didn't get anything for him because they were all so busy. Tear ran down her cheek.

Trigger: << emergency meeting all squads report in >>

Long caster: chef take over. Cheer up captain i'm sure you can think of something


Minna used her i pad pop up a screen recon from ghost of razgriz squadron took photos of the fog in kiel.

Destroyer: oh this is getting stupid. Neuroi using these tactics to mess up me & my nosferatu

Apex: can it. So what now?

Minna: in 2 days they will be launching a saturation strike. Not unless your brass has a plan dear

Trigger: easy * sets down thermal goggles * thermal image goggles

Trigger: easy * sets down thermal goggles * thermal image goggles

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(Something like this)

Shizuka: what can it do?

Yoshika: i remember. Destroyer san used those before when he & sanya drive the stealth Neuroi away

Long caster: saturation attack won't work if they can't hit what they can't see

Mobius 1: i imagine by now lt general shephard is yelling at them for that. So well our idea

Minna: now i'm interest ribbon😃

Mobius 1: morgan's MRBM will dispersed the fog, but before we do that we need to place airborne decoys we can use those as terminal guidance

Slat: is it too late to say board game of battleship?

Mobius 1: stop your making me old😓

Trude: so not knowing where the Neuroi..

Mobius 1: i was getting into that. Brass develop drones that will fly threw the fog. Morgan will fire its MRBM as a lazer designator with sanya's help

Sanya: question. Who will piloted ADF morgan?

Everyone looking at gertrude. Realizing what there talking about she got her familiar out wagging her tail smacking her chair.

Destroyer: please chill. Its all yours

Minna: barkhorn you pilot the morgan luchini hartmann strider 6 bishop 2 3 5 yeager mobius 1 escort gertrude & the bombers. Oh one more thing. Destroyer

Destroyer: ???

Minna: your dismissed

Destroyer stared at her she flinched a little then he shrugged & walked away.

Minna: tomorrow is destroyer's birthday. As a thank you for all he's done lots of presents are coming to him


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