The lost love

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You are fa‌ding from my memory...
My heart aches to find you !
Your voice ring in my ears,
And your smile flashes before my eyes,
I feel like your eyes are watching me,
Everywhere I see your shadow follows me,

Petals falling from the rose make your voice ,
The  night lamp before my bed makes your  shadows
I am searching you in my dream ,
Please come before my eyes !!
Your memories are haunting me...

I feel like you are with me ,
That feeling make me warm
I froze when you move away from me,
The pain freeze me to death
Your Scent  comforts me,
It is the  only thing my nasil (nose) ask me,

I need you ! I will find you!!...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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