They say the first stage is denial

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hello my gorgeous readers!! So sorry it's a little delayed I have a four almost five month old who isn't sleeping very well and it keepin mumma up allllll night! Plus I have news! Troy and I are expecting another baby!!! I'm about 8-9 weeks so it's super early but I thought I should tell yall. Really hope you enjoy this chapter, please comment because that's what keeps me going, I haven't had many lately hence the procrastinating on posting and stuff! Also people pleeeeease dm me! I wanna meet new people and chat, I've got nothing else to do with my day!!

Enjoy! Xx

"Oh god" I groaned as I rolled over in the bed and landed half on Harry who was peacefully sleeping next to me. "Haz make him stop!" I groaned once again and woke him up.

"What? What's wrong?" He turned the light on and propped himself up on his elbows.

"Isaac. He won't stop crying. I need some sleep" I began to whine; only because I haven't been sleeping since Louis and El brought the baby home and that's not their fault, babies cry that's what they do but I need sleep especially being almost 7 months pregnant. There was a knock at the door and Louis walked in quietly checking if we were awake.

"I'm so sorry guys" he rubbed his tired eyes as he sat on the bed. "I honestly didn't think it would be this bad" he sighed.

I yawned as I spoke. "It's alright Lou. He's a baby, it's not his or your fault." I rubbed his back as he sat beside me.

Harry snuggled back into the pillows. "All I know is that it's going to be extremely loud when she arrives." He was right. It was going to be loud and very difficult.

"It'll be alright in a few months when he settles a little more." I whispered, being quiet so Harry could try to sleep.

"Not really Han. He'll just wake up when your baby cries." He sighed knowing that being a parent was way harder than it sounded. "I better go check on him. I'll see you in the morning" He kissed my cheek before heading out the room to make sure his son was alright.

"Lou's right babe. Two babies are just going to wake each other. You know that; it happened to your sisters when you were little." Harry spoke with his eyes shut.

I rolled over to face him. "I know. But what can we do?"

Harry leaned over and switched the light out causing the entire room to go dark. "We could move out?" He suggested. "But let's talk about it in the morning babe." I closed my eyes and tried to fall into a deep sleep.


I got a few more hours sleep which was pretty useful. I hopped out of bed and went to the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and one of Harry's T-shirts. I squeezed the button onto my jeans and stood in front of the mirror looking at my baby bump. I let a deep sigh knowing that my pants were way to tight and that I would have to go shopping extremely soon to get new clothes. I hated not working and not having my own money. It's just impossible to have a job when you're on tour for 9 out of 12 months in a year.

"Nice muffin top" Harry smirked from the bed.

"Shut up! This is your daughter thank-you very much!" I snapped back at him.

"Woah, relax babe." He got up and wrapped his arms around me and my bump. "You look beautiful" he kissed my cheek before going into the bathroom.

"Wait, I don't really have a muffin top do I" I rushed over the to the mirror and looked at what I was wearing one more time. "Shit" I yelled at I pulled my top over my bump and over my neck, onto the floor.

"What's wrong darling?" He asked as he sat on the bed putting on his necklace.

"I had a muffin top!" I spat at him

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