MDZS 01-The Usage Of Hmm

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MDZS Snippet


Wei Ying: Lan Zhan!

Lan Zhan:Hmm.

Wei Ying: I am bored!

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Let's go out to the near by village. Gusu is so big but I hardly get to visit outside of Cloud Recesses.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Let's drink some good Gusu wine, I mean, I drink them, you just drink tea. I promise I'll only take like 5 bottles, promise.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: And find actual food to eat, you know oily food and spice, things that actually has flavor. I eat too much Cloud  Reccesses's bland food that I stopped having pimples and my face is too smooth, see.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: And after that, maybe we can do a little bit of night hunt. Heard some walking corpses around the back mountain.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Without the kids. And if there aren't any walking corpse, then we can catch some fire hen. I'll cook you some wild fire hen game. Oh wait, I forgot, Cloud Recesses people eat like goats. Ok, we can go for a dip at the water fall. I'll wash your back.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Ok! Then let me go get my flute and your money pouch then we are ready to go.

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Lan Zhan, you said hmm throughout the entire thing, don't you have any other answers to my questions?

Lan Zhan: Wei Ying, none of the things you said were questions. They are statements.

Wei Ying: Oh... right, there are....ok, then I'll ask you a question. Can I kiss you?

Lan Zhan: Hmm.

Wei Ying: Hey, that's not a statement, it's a question! Why are you still hmm-ing? Do you mean hmm for yes or hmm for no or hmm to signal you understand the words that came out of my mouth?

Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying into a deep kiss. Wei Ying figures the correct meaning to this hmm.


Yukichi's Note: Not sure what will happen to this collection, maybe updates will be slow but since some of you asked for it, I thought, why not.

Disclaimer: Borrowed these characters to write non-commercial for entertainment purpose. All characters unless specified as original characters belongs to MXTC. Original characters (if any) and story plots well, if it comes from my brain so well technically it will be mine.

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