👤: Well...what can we say...they came from us...

The two man laugh...and yes,these two are no other than Mr.Kanawut and Mr.Suppasit...The day when these two told their sons about the company who won the bidding,they noticed the reactions of their sons...They knew there is something wrong that's why they talked about it and decided to look further. It was Barry who hired a detective to dig information about the company and it's CEO...And to his surprise,this man almost rape his son. He blamed himself once again for not being a good father that time..His son didn't even tell him.. So now,he wanted to make it up to him. And he will do anything in his power to protect his son...and that fucker being within his grasp is the first step.

'So bro..what about the orphanage? Are we still going to continue with his firm?' Mark asked his best friend..

'Don't worry about it.It's not him who we made the deal...The rightful owner will take care of it. The ground breaking is in two months.' Barry answered

'So we have two months to caught this guy red handed...and this rightful owner?' said Mark and Barry nodded...

'He's the son of the woman he married...For now,let's just watch silently and let our boys play a little before we terminate the pest.' Barry said smirking...

Two weeks passed

'Fucking shit!!!! How dare him send you flowers?!...I swear I'm gonna rip off his ugly face!' Mew shouted inside Gulf's office...

'Thi rak~ calm down na~..I already told Mild to throw it away and instructed him to tell the employees to never allowed or received any gifts from him and to every unkown sender...' Gulf said side-hugging his angry fiancé..

*Sighs 'Sorry baby,I just-

'I know...don't worry okay? I'm only yours. Besides,I will never accept anything that comes from that fuckfaced...also,stop puffing..you look like an angry chipmunk with your cheeks..' Gulf said giggling...Mew hug him properly.

'Chipmunk you say? Huh? *Gulf nods while giggling*...Well...this chipmunk will~~' Mew then start tickling his fiancé

'Ah-hahaha M-Mew~ ss-top...ahaahha.' Gulf is trying to escape but he keeps failing...

'Jeez...will you look at that.' The engaged couple got startled hearing the voice..they turned towards the door and saw their mothers..

'Mom(my)!'  They both exclaimed.. Their mothers are grinning..

'*cough*...uhm...what brings you here mom? Auntie?' Gulf asked

'Well....we came here trying our luck to caught you two doing something like this and we~....succeed.' Yaya answered her son squealing...

'Mommy~' Gulf whined..Yaya and Kimmy laugh heartily at their sons' flustered faces. They opened their arms and their sons run to their embrace..

'Seriously Mom why are you here?' asked Mew..

'Well,we're here to get you two to have lunch with us..' Kim answered

'What about Dada and uncle?' Gulf asked...and his question were answered by his dada.

'We're here baby boy..' Barry said and Gulf went to him for a hug..he hug his soon to be father in law too...so does Mew.

They all head to Suppasit's hotel for their lunch..The food were served immediately..

'So boys...when do you plan to get married?' Kim asked..Mew and Gulf look at each other..they haven't talk about it but now that it was mention....

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