“I’m investing my money here so you have to meet my expectation. If that’s not what you will give me, then I’d better pull my investment out of this company.” He said calmly.

Juvia formed her fist. Who is this man in front of him? Was he the Gray she loves? Is that him? Is that how ruthless he is? She can’t believe herself. Right. Everyone change. He became even more ruthless and heartless.

They were dismissed in the office. Mike was ranting about the outcome of their presentation. Klare didn’t speak. Juvia was pissed. That prick.

“Our presentation was fucking good.” Mike said in frustration. “That son of a bitch. He doesn’t know how to be satisfied. Our ideas haven’t been use by anyone.”

Klare sighed while watching Mike rant. Then she looked up to Juvia. “Hey, are you okay?”

She sighed. I am pissed I am not able to speak. “I guess so. I’m sorry, it might be my fault.”

Mike looked at them. “Of course, it’s not. Look how impressed the President and the other members of the board. He’s just...ugh. Just annoying!” He said and ran his hand through his head.

It might be my fault because he took it personal. She thought.

She left their office and went outside to get some fresh air. This is really a bad day for me. She thought. Seeing Gray yesterday, seeing him mad last night and seeing him today, she thought that she was paying all of this after what he had done to him. She sighed. She just thought it was the best for him.

While she was walking towards the elevator, he saw Gray. He just opened the door and went outside the conference room where she was humiliated earlier by him. Gray saw her and he stopped his tracks. He looked angry for some reason. She remembered he was angry too, so she is planning to walk towards the elevator and ignore him.

But her mind couldn’t rest. Why would he humiliate her team? Why would he reject their work even if it’s good enough? So he went to Gray to face him. Gray was already expecting her to face him. He was standing firm, not affected by the way Juvia walks angrily.

Right. He doesn’t care about me anyway. He wasn’t affected at all.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked in gritted teeth. She had been keeping her calm for a while and she can’t keep it anymore.

“Doing what, Ms. Locker?” He asked, smirking. That made Juvia more furious.

“Why did you reject our work? It was good. It’s new.” She said as a matter of fact.

“Ms. Lockser, I think you have too much ego in your head.” He said, “I don’t like the idea. That’s not good enough for the company.”

“What?” She raised her voice. It was probably good. “We’ve been working that for a month now, Gray. We’ve work hard for it. We didn’t even sleep just to come up with that idea. What the hell is wrong?”

She couldn’t contain her anger anymore. She doesn’t even care if the other employees heard her. She was furious. And she really thought that he was getting personal in this work. She was closed to Gray; she felt like punching him. She was at rage. Her emotions are getting into her senses that she was talking to her boss.

“Ms. Lockser, that’s an inappropriate way to talk to your boss, as I can see.” He said, calmly. He didn’t even flinch when she was almost near his face. “I can see that you work hard for it and you were upset because I rejected it. But, unfortunately, that’s how things go, Ms. Lockser. You can’t get what you want. Even if you work hard for it, if it’s not yours, it will never be yours.” Juvia stepped back as he said that. Her heart sank as he said that.

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