'The Purple Piano Project'

Comincia dall'inizio

"Lets go." I whispered.

"gimme your hand." He said as I held out my hand. "See, it gets better."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Shut up."


I walked into the Lima Bean behind Blaine earning a bunch of stares. "Bella." I heard someone whisper. My head turned in that direction. It was Kurt. "Hi Kurt." I said trying to hide my smile. He ran to me and hugged me. "I missed you." He whispered with a sniffle.

Please don't cry...

"You're quiet." Blaine said.

I thought he was talking to me so I popped my head up but he was actually talking to Kurt whom smirked and said, "No, I'm being passive aggressive. You both promised that by the first day of school you'd make a decision. And yet, there you two sit, cute as ever, but still in your Warbler's blazers."

Blaine let out a breathy chuckle as I said, "The Skanks are there. I'd go." I shrugged playing with the tooth pick in my mouth.

Blaine said, "I just can't bail on the Warblers. Those guys are my friends. And im not leaving if she isn't leaving"

Kurt shook his head with a smile. "Okay, alright, fine, alright. One final sales pitch and then we can all talk about making over Nancy Grace... If you both stay at Dalton, than we are competitors."

Blaine nodded, "That's true."

"Well Blaine I'm just not sure that our budding love can survive that. Ours too Bella I know you love me more than anyone else in the entire world but if your not with us I don't think we'll survive." I rolled my eyes fighting back my smile.

"We have the strength. You want us to transfer because you're just afraid that the warblers are gonna beat you at sectionals."

Kurt shook his head yet again, "No, I'm afraid that I'm 'a beat Blaine. And you and I know what that does to him - when I win. Look I mean honestly, I just, I just wanna see you both more. I want my senior year to be magic, and the only way that's gonna happen is if I get to spend every minute of every day with you two. And i know there's a whole group of people who want to spend it with you too." Blaine and I looked back and forth at each other. I so very deeply want to do this but im not leaving him.

"Im proud of you." Blaine said as we got into his car.

"For what?" I scoffed.

"For being present in the conversation. Your not a bad ass, your just depressed Bella. I get it you know that. The hair the nose ring? Its irrational. You can get better Bella you need to surround yourself with these people. Which is why i'm gonna call mom and ask her to transfer us." Normally i'm getting these talks from Jeff so its a little out of pocket for him but if its what he wants ill support him.

From Kurt's POV

~~~~~~~~~~From Kurt's POV

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Lady Warbler ~ Quinn FabrayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora