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I woke up to my sister crying. I pulled the covers off my body and ran to her room. She was in tears and shaking. I ran to her and hugged her.

I said "it's okay.  Everything is okay."

She hugged me harder. I picked her up and walked to my room.

I said "okay. You want to tell me why you are crying."

She nodded her head. She pushed some of her blonde hair out of her blue eyes. She said "well... I had a really bad dream. There was a really big monster chasing me and and and" she breathed in and out "I woke up right when he grabbed me sissy."

I hugged her as she started to cry again. I rubbed her back. I said "shhh. It's okay. There is no monster here. I promise I wount let anything happen to you."

She said "you pomise."

I smiled and said "promise. You can sleep in my room and with me if you want."

She shook her head. She said "can I have some milk."

I said "of course you can." I picked her up considering she refused to stay alone and walk.

My mom was asleep in her room. I am the one who has to take care of my sister because she is always working.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I turned on the lights. I set her down on the counter. I walked to the fridge and pulled out the milk. I grabbed her sippy cup. I poured her milk. I gave it to her. She started to yawn. She drank her milk and her eye kids started to close. I picked her up and she layed her head on my shoulder.

I shut off the light to the kitchen and walkes up stairs. I got into my room. I layed Selene down and covered her up. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 4 in the morning. I got only 2 hours of sleep. That thing with Selene took a hour. I did not go to bed till 1 in the morning. I could not get Selene to go to bed. She has had a cold and did not feel good. Also, on top of that she has a fever.

I had to go down stairs and start to make breakfast for my mom, sister and I. I walked down stairs once again. I put my phone on a low speaker. I made pancakes and bacon.

When I was done I walked back upstairs.  It was 5. I went to my closet and grabbed a bright o ink tank top and ripped jean shorts.

I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out and brushed my teeth and hair. I towel dried my hair. I let it stay natural. I out on my clothes.  I put on some perfume and walked out of my bathroom. I grabbed my book bag and of course I forgot my homework.

I walked down stairs and my mom was drinking coffee. 

She saw me walk in she said "Why was your sister crying?"

I said "she had a nightmare ma'am."

I have to call my mom ma'am because she is not my real mom. My dad was killed in a house fire, so she took me in. Also my real mom is to drunk to take care of herself.

She looked at me and shook her head. I put on my flip flops and walked out the door. I got in my gray mustang. I sat there for a little and tried to wake up. I put my seat belt on and turned on the radio.

I drove to school and parked in my normal parking spot. I got out and saw my friends Ashton and Aiden.  I walked over to them.

I said to Ashton "so how was your morning?"

She said "the same as usual."

Aiden and I said "we'll see you later."

Aiden and I walked down the hallway and Adiens class was her so she said "well, I bid you a do my friend."

I walked down the hallway and up the stairs. I finally got to my first class english.

We had to sit with partners and everybody looked away from me. I sat in the back. Why does everybody hate me? I did nothing to deserve this. I shook my head.

The somebody said "Hey partner why so sad?

I looked over and there he was Dean. The bad boy of the school and he wanted to be my partner.

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