
The tree was almost cut through, just a few more swings and it would come down. I wiped my brow, taking a small break. Chopping wood used to be my favorite past time, but it became more and more tiring the farther I had to walk to get it. Before Phil and Ranboo showed up, I had a lot of time to fill meaninglessly, so I tended to overdo most household chores. Some days, I would come home with as much wood I could carry and just collapse into bed, hoping the day of work would let me ignore the voices easier. It worked most of the time, but the nights it didn't were always the longest.

Those nights I would sit up, straining every muscle in my body to stop myself from grabbing my sword and running towards L'Manburg. The voices knew who was there and they knew what those people deserved. I secretly agreed with them, but I was done letting them ruin me. Too many people suffered under the hand of the Blade, so retirement was the best option.

L'Manburg can't be far. Just go there. Kill Ranboo, he's closer! No don't, he's your friend! Finish chopping the tree. God, you're lazy.

Ignoring the familiar soft murmur of voices, I knelt down to pick up the axe, humming a tune Phil had taught me ages ago. Just as I lifted the silver hatchet, I hear a yell from behind, scaring me out of my calm trance. Remembering that I wasn't alone in the woods, I anxiously searched for the lanky teen through the treeline. After a moment I spotted movement farther down the path, and I briskly darted over to the curled up boy. The voices began to surge

Something's wrong. Help him! He's probably fine, just leave it. No, what if he's injured? He's old enough to deal with it himself, we had to. Go help him!

"Ranboo, you alr-" I involuntarily froze. Ranboo was shaking, digging his head into his good hand and cradling his ripped up one close to his chest. And the blood... it was just everywhere. The previously pristine snow now was tainted a deep, foreboding red that surrounded the obviously injured child. I tried to move, to walk closer and help him, but I was stuck, my thoughts on a ever agonizing loop. My breath quickened as I realized what was going to happen, hoping I had caught it quick enough to stop them.

Blood? No. Stop. It's been awhile since we've gotten that! We aren't getting anything- Finally, some action! Please, just- Blood for the Blood God! No, no, stop-! BLOOD!

Dammit, this isn't gonna stop... The voices had gotten a taste, and after their long hiatus, any blood would set them off. Shaking off the voices the best I could, I broke from my statue stance and knelt to help Ranboo. The boy was hyperventilating, made worse by the hand clamped over his mouth and the melted snow burning into his fragile skin. His eyes were wide and bloodshot, tears pouring out of them, mixing with the melted snow on his scarred face. I grabbed his shoulders, knowing he'd have to calm down before I could help him any.

"Ranboo, I'm here, it's okay," I said hurriedly, attempting to stay calm. He made brief eye contact before sharply inhaling again and holding his arm closer to him, doubling over. "I need you to breathe, okay? Just in and out, slowly," I inhaled and exhaled, mostly as an example, but also for my own sanity as my head swirled. He mimicked me, breathing in and out, slowing relaxing his shoulders and back, revealing the blood soaked arm. It was about as bad as I imagined, considering the carnage around him.

A perfect cut! Like a sword! You're gonna lose another kid! Don't let him die! You like him! Just finish him off, he's weak! Let him bleed, more blood for us!

The voices were getting harder to ignore, and I knew I needed to fix this, and fast. Still breathing in and out for Ranboo's sake, I tenderly pulled the arm towards me, taking in the damage. It was a clean cut, but it didn't hit bone, and it wasn't deep enough to cause any serious damage to his nerves. It must of just hit a vein just right, causing it to gush blood. I winced, knowing how much cuts like these can hurt, especially on your palm. Looking up, I realized he had been staring at me, his panicked eyes showing his fear and pain better than his words could've. Now that his rushed breathing was even slightly slower than before, I decided to try and distract him a bit while I tried to heal him.

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