First-day panic

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I wake up on a cold winter day. I could slightly hear my mother yelling at me. "y/n wake up and get ready for your first day of high school". I tarn to my calendar, it's Monday. The only reason I'm smiling is that I can see my friend Gaege. I quickly put on my uniform and head downstairs. I smiled while seeing a plate of pancakes on my favourite and cutest plate, It was the plate Gaege gave me from primary school on our last day.

I started walking since I live a couple of blocks down the road. I could slightly hear running behind me, I sharply look back to see Gaege running up to me. "y/n wait up" I stopped and let him catch up to me, I smiled at him since I was so excited to see him again. He looked at me and said, "how's your hearing". I softly say "it's getting worst every day" he then smiled and said "don't worry, I can be your ears" I smiled and started laughing, so did he.

When we got to school, everything stopped. I was scared, I only felt fear. I slowly backed up realising half of the students I seen where way bigger than me. Gaege put his arm on my shoulder and said: "If I see anyone and I mean anyone picking on you they need to go through me first I mean it". 

While we were walking around, we both see this guy walking towards us. Gaege put is hand on my back and started talking to this guy " Hi, it's our first day here do you know where to go" The guy smiled at us and said "follow me" he smiled at as while walking. It was the canteen area, it was fall of students bantering and looking around. This guy pointed us to the year 8 papers. It had classes 8a to f. Gaege was looking, after minutes of looking he finally found our names and smiled at me "we will be in the same class this year". 

I looked over at the navy blue building to see a paper on the doors. I pulled softly tugged on Gaeges jumper. Gaege smiled and looked at me and said "what's wrong" I pointed at the door with the papers attached to it "I think one of those must be our classrooms" he smiled at me, we then started walking over. It was our classroom. When the bell rang, I started getting nervous again. I looked up to see Gaege smiling, he looked down at me. I whispered to Gaege "I- I'm scared again" covering my face. He started giggling at me. I quickly went to the back and sat, Gaege sat next to me.   

It was hard to hear what the teacher was saying, but at least I had Gaege helping me. After the first period and the second period, it was lunchtime. I looked in my bag and realised I forgot to pack my lunch. Gaege looked over at me and said with a smark "forgot something" I looked over and mumbled my lunch. He then pulled out a $20 note from his bag and said "I'll buy lunch" I smiled and said "thanks" We both walked over and lined up. When it was almost our turn, I saw someone walk past with a paster and an iced coffee, I look at Gaege and said with a happy tone "Can I get an Expresso and paster" he smiled at me and side "sure". After getting the food, we had another issue, it was where to sit. We found a seat with no one sitting there, I decided to sit on the fence around the dead looking garden.         

The first day finally ended after a long 4 periods. 

I hope you enjoyed the beginning aka the first chapter. Trust me it gets way better (':

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