Three: Believe

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Baekhyun was stiffened on his seat as he was accepting the deathly glares Kyungsoo was throwing upon him. Yeah, he was wrong. He got home late and forgot to call Kyungsoo so he's paying the consequences. The cafeteria was blaring with various noises but it seemed like the world was too silent between the two.

Biting his lip, Baekhyun held Kyungsoo's hand. "I'm so sorry, Soo. I was just too tired that I forgot to ring you," Baekhyun said guiltily, pleading for Kyungsoo's forgiveness.

"At least message me," Kyungsoo reprimanded, thrusting his fork harshly against the beef steak he was eating. Poor steak. Baekhyun quirked and nervously look Kyungsoo in the eyes. He really is scary when mad. "What's so tiring with two-word message?" Kyungsoo blurted. Baekhyun fell silent. No words escaped from his mouth. He admitted it, he kept Kyungsoo worried the entire night and he deserved the cold treatment. He deserved it but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't do anything to make it up to his bestfriend.

"I'll do anything, Soo. Just forgive me," Baekhyun pleaded. He loves to pester Kyungsoo and receive a hit in exchange but a mad Kyungsoo is a different story. "Can you bear ignoring your cute bestfriend?" Baekhyun asked, flattering his eyelashes like a puppy trying to impress his owner for some bones. "I would be unhappy the whole day or even a week. You know I can't eat if we're not in good terms."

Kyungsoo put his fork on the side with force. "Fine. Just don't do it again. I'm f**king awake the whole night, worrying about you," Kyungsoo lashed, making Baekhyun more guilty. "I know and I'm so so so so sorry," Baekhyun replied. "What should I do to make it up to you?"

"I'll be having dinner with Jong In tonight and I have to leave the library early. Can you do the rest of the job for me?" Kyungsoo asked, still serious. Baekhyun nodded his head like he was more than willing to do the job. Well, who wouldn't if a handsome man dwells in the library at night?

"No problem, Soo," Baekhyun said smiling so Kyungsoo smiled back and continued eating.

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, suspecting that something's off. "Hey, you're fishy," Kyungsoo commented.

Baekhyun's eyes dilated. "What?"

"Spill the beans, idiot," Kyungsoo uttered. Baekhyun's heart started to throb unusual. "I don't have beans," Baekhyun replied, avoiding Kyungsoo's sticky gaze like he was boring a hole in Baekhyun's entire being. Baekhyun's like an empty sheet but not for Kyungsoo.

"Do it now, Baek," Kyungsoo threatened.

Baekhyun sighed, surrendering. "Okay. Do you promise to believe me?" Baekhyun asked in somewhat soft voice.

"It depends on your scheme," Kyungsoo replied and drank on his glass.

"I saw the monster in the library. The one you're talking about," Baekhyun whispered.

"Eh? I was just scaring you, Baek."

"Yeah, I know but I met him last night. He's actually a Prince not a monster," Baekhyun whispered, being persuasive. "I actually thinking if I have to tell you this but since you're my bestriend--"

"Enough of fantasies, Baek."

"I'm no fan of fantasies. I'm telling the truth. Wanna bet?" Baekhyun asked while showing his palm outward. He'll surely win 'cause he know Chanyeol do really exists.


"Mind to help me?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol who was sitting comfortably in a wooden chair with his legs positioned over the table. Baekhyun was arranging the books and making sure that nothing's out of place.

Chanyeol looked at him. "You can do it, Baek. You sure can," Chanyeol cheered, showing off a cheeky smile. He reached out for a book and browse to call himself busy.

"You brat."

Baekhyun's reaction is kinda cute that Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle. " you have a girlfriend?" Chanyeol asked unsure if it was right to ask the question.

"I have none."

"Past relationships?"

"Also none. I still haven't found the one destined to me so, yeah, I have no time for that stuff," Baekhyun replied nonchalantly. He was not bothered with the questions as everyone was curious about his relationship status.

"Aren't you being hopeless romantic? I mean, you can date anyone you want, anyone who shows you interest but you haven't dated any of them? Seriously?"  Chanyeol asked exaggerated and somewhat... Relieved?

Baekhyun averted his eyes towards Chanyeol, pulled the opposite seat, and sat. "I'm just being romantic, not hopeless, idiot," Baekhyun blurted, receiving a cackle from Chanyeol.

"Do you believe in true love?" asked Chanyeol. He placed his elbows in the table for support as he was leaning closer to Baekhyun.

"Of course."

"Do you wish to have a girl? Or a man?"

"I prefer the last one," Baekhyun replied without second thought.

"Oh, you're into guy," Chanyeol stated, not shocked at all. He expected the answer though.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Yes but not for a love interest, for I believe that love takes time to develop."

"It's true," Chanyeol reprimanded.

"As you say."

"Would you believe if I tell you, I liked you the first time I saw you?" Chanyeol asked as a smirked was plastered on his face. Baekhyun was taken aback with the sudden confession.

"Stop playing prank, Yeol," Baekhyun rolled his eyes but in reality, his heart was racing like it would give him a heart attack in any moment.

Chanyeol leaned closer and held Baekhyun in the nape before closing the gap between them. Baekhyun's lips was so soft that Chanyeol loved the feeling even more. As for Baekhyun, he suddenly felt an mild electric shock from his lips towards the rest of his body, urging him to close his eyes and seized the moment. It's not his first kiss but it felt like one.

Baekhyun always hear Sehun telling him how much he love him but Chanyeol is different. His inside is a haywire the very moment Chanyeol said the words and touched his lips with his.

"Do you believe me now?" Chanyeol asked with his sweetest smile while still holding Baekhyun who was blushing.

"Still no. That may be the--"

Before Baekhyun could finish his sentence, Chanyeol claimed his lips again. This time, the kiss was longer. Baekhyun moved his lips synchronously with Chanyeol's movement. The moment felt perfect; it seemed magical and right.

"Baek," Sehun called as he witness the heartbreaking scene in front of him. He really loves Baekhyun and it kills him to see the love of his life kissing someone other than him.

Baekhyun froze on his spot. Chanyeol moved away and stood proudly, looking intently at Sehun who was like throwing dagger towards the former. Sehun diverted his gaze to Baekhyun, pain was evident on his eyes.

Sehun then bowed and walked away.

The Empty CanvasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon