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Elsa looks around she sees a lot more signs for a lot more vampires for sale and on the kill list all she wants to do is break down in tears and go back home but she cannot sell her brothers and sisters of the vampire community she has to fight for what she knows is right.  Elsa continues to walk down to the street to see if she can find a place to sit for a second but then three men start to run at her they yell it's an infected it's an infected she uses her vampire powers to knock them backwards Elsa runs as fast as she's ever ran in her entire life.  Elsa makes one of the buildings collapse so they cannot catch her she keeps running until she finds an ally to go to.  Somebody sees her in tears with her pale skin and ask are you a vampire Elsa replies with a quiet and scared yes.  They tell her to follow them and lead her to a second-story building and proceeded to walk her through this curtain door she sees about 20 other vampires sitting there at a table.  She finally feels safe she feels comfortable in her own skin again.  They explain to her that they are going to try to get the vampires back.  She absolutely loves the sound of that and tell them anything she can do to help she will do they tell her tomorrow they are going to raid a government building take all of the money and vampires that they are keeping in the building Elsa absolutely loves the idea of this so she asked what the plan is and how they're going to do it they explained to her that...   TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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