Everything was loud once again, his teammates shaking him up and down. "WE DID IT!!!"

Jaemin ran down the bleachers to his boyfriend, grabbing him by the back of his neck and kissing him with the most passion he ever has.

When they pulled away, there was a string of saliva connecting them. Jaemin grinned when Jeno almost instantly dived in again.

"You did so well Nono," Jaemin smiled brightly. His sweet smile burning Jeno's core.

"That good luck kiss did all the work for me," Jeno smirked before leaning in an nibbling on Jaemin's ear. "I love you princess."

"I love you too," Jaemin latched onto Jeno and kissed him again.

"Lele!" Jisung ran up to Chenle as the older boy looked around for him.

Chenle ran to Jisung as fast as he could and wrapped his arms around his middle. He nuzzled his face into Jisung's chest, the force knocking Jisung back a bit.

"Thank you Sungie," Chenle's cheeks were all puffed out from how hard he was smiling. "I did it. I really won a championship game."

Jisung smiled at how soft Chenle looked. He placed his arms around him gently and brought him closer.

"You did cutie," Jisung said sofly, kissing the top of Chenle's head. "You really did."

Donghyuck made his way through the crowd that dispersed itself all over the court.

Why was it so hard to find the only person he's looking for?

"My boytoy already went to the locker room," A voice sassed in his ear.

Donghyuck smiled before turning around. "Funny how that seems to apply to the half the student body."

"You're damn right it does," Lisa smirked at him, flipping her hair as she did so.

"You ever get sick of messing with boys? Breaking their hearts? Whoring around?" Donghyuck raised a brow at her before looking at something behind her and smiling.

"No, I dont," Lisa looked away from him.

"You are just upset because you can't find love that way," Donghyuck shook his head at her. "People don't love a heartbreaker."

Lisa scoffed before shooting back: "You'll never find love either. Nobody would ever love you."

Donghyuck smiled again before shaking his head. "Maybe you're right. But I have to go."

Lisa went to protest but Donghyuck had already walked away.

"Congrats man," Lucas came up to Mark and gave him a swat the back. "That was a nice shot."

"Uh yeah thanks," Mark nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "I swear it was like someone yelled out to me."

Lucas raised a brow at him with am amused smile on his face before putting a hand on Marks shoulders.

"That's because someone did," Lucas laughed before spinning Mark around.

Holy fuck.

Mark felt his heart start beating wildly at the man before him.

Donghyuck was standing a few feet away and was staring back at him.

They were both trapped in time as they made eye contact. It was almost as if being blown away by the mere presence of one another.

"H-hyuck," Mark stuttered out first. His breath felt like it was locked in his lungs. "W-what are you doing here? I-i thought you weren't-"

Donghyuck raised an amused brow before throwing something towards Mark. Good thing Mark had good reflexes and caught it because otherwise he would've gotten pelted in the eye.

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