Start from the beginning

Speaking of Soobin, Soobin's outfit was made up of a white dress shirt under a gray hoodie. He wore some black colored pants and some white shoes. Soobin proceeded to ignore Beomgyu and finished his carton of almond milk, his nose twitching in annoyance.

Lastly, Taehyun entered the kitchen all dressed up as well. His outfit consisted of some black pants with converse, a white turtleneck and a cream colored jacket to finish it off. Taehyun walked over to the pantry and picked out a granola bar which had a different mixture of berries and nuts.

You admired the fashion sense that each of your hybrids had. You had to admit, you were a bit jealous but nonetheless you were happy with what you wore. The hybrids happily talked amongst themselves while having their breakfast. A few minutes had passed and you were all lined up at the front door.

"Do you all have your collars on?" You asked as you quickly checked the picnic basket for the nth time.

"Yep!" They all exclaimed, ears perking up and tails starting to sway/wag.

The walk to the park was short but peaceful. It mostly consisted of Hueningkai looking everywhere excitedly and Soobin having a strong grip on him so he doesn't run away. The other three were having a lively conversation while you lead the way.

Once you stepped foot on the park, they all scattered, except for Soobin who doesn't like physical activity that much. You found a nice clear space to set your blanket down and sat on the prickly grass. Grabbing the picnic basket, you took out some of the toys they had requested to bring such as all sorts of bouncy balls and Frisbees. Hueningkai came running to where you sat with Soobin and snatched one of the Frisbees.

"Beomgyu hyung! Catch!"

The 4 other hybrids played catch with the Frisbee while your bunny rested his head on your lap. His long black ears were draped over your legs and you reached out a hand to stroke them. Soobin let out a happy chuckle and turned his head to look up at you. You couldn't help but gush over how cute he looked with his dimples out and how his eyes turned into cresent moons when he smiled. You took a hold of his cheeks and pinched them with your thumb and pointer finger.

"Soobinie! You look so cute!!" Soobin's smiling face turned into one of surprise and removed your hands from your cheeks. His nose twitched in embarrassment.

"Y/N~! You're embarrassing me..." He whined and gave out a pout and turned his head to look at the other hybrids play.

Soon, a good 2 hours passed when they all came running towards you, claiming that they were hungry. You took out all the food you had made and placed it down neatly on the mat. They immediately started digging in, stuffing their faces and getting food crumbs everywhere.

"Y/N! These sandwiches are so good! Where did you learn how to cook like that?" Beomgyu exclaimed, chewing happily.

"It's nothing too special, really. I'm glad you liked them though." You gave him a smile while also handing him a napkin since he got sauce on his cheek.

"Y/N! Y/N! Did you see how cool I was out there? I caught the frisbee every time!" Guess hanging with the maknaes is rubbing off on Yeonjun since he was getting all giddy and his Bushy tail started swaying from side to side. You sometimes wonder if he really is the oldest... Hueningkai and Taehyun chuckled silently at his cuteness.

"You were awesome out there Junnie!" You reached over to give him a high-five and he finished eating his sandwich proudly.

After a few more minutes of eating, you started packing up your things, getting ready to head home. The walk home was much quieter than the one to the park. You assumed it was because they were tired.

Reaching your apartment, you all went in one by one, taking off your shoes and jackets.

They all slumped themselves unto the couch and turned on the TV, putting it on a random channel. Meanwhile, you headed to the kitchen and proceeded to put everything away.

"Y/N! Come and watch a movie with us!" You heard Hueningkai yell.

"Okay! I'll be over there in a bit!" After finishing with your duty, you went over to the living room.

Beomgyu and Hueningkai were in front of the TV, picking out a movie. Yeonjun and Soobin were cuddling on one of the bigger couches. You were heading towards the smaller singular person couch when you felt a hand on your wrist.

"No, you're mine." You heard Taehyun mumble under his breath. You let him drag you towards the couch and laid down on it. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on top of your head, his bushy tail laying on top of your legs.

Soon enough, the movie started and you were laying happily in your hybrid's arms.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Omg I don't even write this long for my essays. I'm slowly trying to add more scenes of you and the hybrids having some fluffy time together. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter lol.

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