Preference #17: Decorating Your Christmas Tree

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Zayn: He doesn't really help you all that much, but he demanded that he put the star at the top of the tree, only because he wanted to feel like the man of the house.

Niall: You actually had to hide the cookies you baked for Santa so he would stop trying to eat them and finally help you decorate the tree. Once you two were done, you rewarded him with a cookie.

Liam: You had a traditional Christmas tree decorating night. The fireplace was lit, cookies were baking in the oven, and the Christmas music was on. Once it was all done, you guys curled up together, drank hot chocolate, and watched classical Christmas movies.

Louis: He was a sass when it came to the Christmas tree. To him, the tree had to be perfect. If one light was out of place, he would freak out a bit, but you would laugh and move on.

Harry: You worked together to make the tree the most beautiful it could be. Afterwards, you two cuddled near the fire and fell asleep in each others arms.

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