"Oh, is this the great Lauren Grant?" Oliver turned to me and made an appreciative frown, "You clean up good."

Liezl elbowed Oliver by the rib, "Ow."

"That's why you don't have a girlfriend." She turned to me, "Nice to meet you, Lauren," she offered her hand. "I'm Liezl, by the way. And you look beautiful in the dress."

I shook it, "Uh, thanks. And you too. I was told you've picked it."

"Yeah," she smiled then glanced at Axel, "And I was told you didn't like it."

I winced with guilt, "It was kind of out of my comfort zone."

She let out an astonished smile as if she saw a newborn dancing the waltz, "Pray, tell me, have you seen anyone here looking comfortable?"

I looked around and shook my head slightly, "That's what I thought." She laughed under her breath, "I like you, Lauren."

She stood by her brother, tall and fit in her sparkling silver dress. I wonder how she works with her male models when she's their age and looks like that.

"Too bad I got to her first," Axel said.

"Don't be greedy, James. And don't worry, I wasn't tryna to pull her."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Oliver guffawed, "Oh, honey, my sister plays in our team." He pointed his thumb between him and Axel, back and forth as he nodded suggestively.

"Oh. Oh."

I guess that answers my question.

"Oh, indeed." She replied with a grin on her face.

"Oooh, the Duchess is here. Now if you'll excuse me, this knight has a quest to conquer." Oliver moved past us.

"Pig." his sister said.

"I heard that."

"You were supposed to."

"The Duchess?" I asked Axel.

He chuckled deeply. Liezl made a circle on one hand then pointed inside the circle with her other hand, and made a popping sound, "Every year."

"Oh, wow."

Axel just shrugged.

"Why don't we come inside? We're missing out on all the fun staying in the lobby."

"Ready?" Axel offered his arm.

"Never," to which I linked mine. "But what the hell."

*       *       *

In all the years of my life, never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that I would be standing wide-eyed in a middle of a ballroom in the Hamptons.

I chugged the contents of the champagne glass on my hand, never missing the feeling of eyes watching me as I placed the empty glass on the cocktail table.

And then I felt it again, the way my body responds to anxiety. I haven't felt it in a long time but it's there, like muscle memory. I began to spiral back to my favorite day. I was three, maybe four, out there at the dark of the night but under the bright lights of Times Square, sitting on my Dad's shoulder, looking down on Noelle as she's clutching Mom's hand. I can't remember much of the trip but I will never forget the feeling of being utterly mesmerized by the big city lights.

"Hey, you okay?" Axel whispered by my ear, enough to bring me back to reality; to the stares and whispers of high-society New York.

I took a sharp inhale, "What?"

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