12|| The Necromancer and his Friend

Comincia dall'inizio

"The fuck you looking at?"

Skeppy noticed the slight slur in the stranger's voice before he heard a grunt and the sound of a skeleton getting killed. Mustering the courage, he peeked over his shoulder to see a figure moving in the dark, his back facing him. If it wasn't for the dim lighting of the moon, he wouldn't have recognised the man.

Comfortable navy blue hoodie and camo pants. Skeppy noticed the two ram horns that sat on each side of his head as he stared down at a melon that grew on the ground, in his hand is a bottle with a small amount of dark liquid in it. Skeppy hopes it was the person he thought the man is or he's a goner. He opened his mouth to shout the man's name but closed it instantly, hesitant. Until he spoke once more and spat another familiar name.

"Fucking skeletons, fucking Quackity, I should've--"

"Jschlatt?" Skeppy calls out, risking his position as the man spun around in lightning speed, stumbling as he does so.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man was indeed smashed, Skeppy finalized. The man just cursed a tree and looked like it was about to fight it. An inanimate object.

"Look up," Skeppy whispered-shout, and the male obeyed, tilting his head up, squinting at him, trying to properly look at him.

"Why are you blue?" Schlatt asked with knitted eyebrows.

"It's me! Skeppy!" He exclaimed. There was a brief period of silence as the man stared at him, trying to process information, searching his head for someone with that name.

"We're in the same SMP!" Skeppy exclaimed, helping him out with his memory searching.

"Live SMP?"

"No! I'm from the Dream SMP idiot, we fought in a war!" Skeppy shouts as Schlatt scrunches his face before his mouth falls into an 'o' shape.

"Oh the diamond guy, sorry I have selective memories. Did you come with your boyfriend?" Schlatt asked scratching his head with the hand that held a bottle, referring to his best friend, Bad.

"Yeah but I'm lost right now" Schlatt took a sharp intake of air through his teeth before speaking again.

"Sucks man, lover's quarrel?"

"No-no! Why are you here?" Skeppy asks the other male that came out of nowhere.

"I live with Techno, Quackity, Karl and some chick, they're mining right now and I was left with hunting duties." The man frowned. He wasn't supposed to be doing this but Quackity teasing him about how he's the weakest link in the house made him act and unconsciously kill all the mobs in the area like what he should be doing.

"They're here as well?!" Skeppy was relieved to find out that there are other familiar people in the realm, especially Technoblade. The man was known in the real world as one of the best fighters.

"Yeah, come down let's get you to Techno, man's loaded!" Schlatt brags as he takes a swig from the bottle in his hand, tumbling in the process but catching himself before he falls.

Slowly, Skeppy descended the tree as he felt something stir inside him as if something was pulling him towards a certain direction in the dark. As if he knew that there was someone in there, he spared a glance on that area before directing his attention to how he's gonna go down the tree.

"Why were you climbing the tree in the first place?" Schlatt questions as soon as Skeppy's feet touched the grass.

"Well--" Skeppy's neck has never snapped any faster at the sound of someone calling for him from the thick forest.


"That's your boyfriend" Schlatt nonchalantly points out as the both of them stared at the direction Skeppy was feeling the odd pull.

After a few ruffles of bushes, the familiar glowing white eyes, black and red robe pushed through the vegetation, a loud sigh of relief left his chest when his eyes landed on his blue-skinned friend when he noticed the horned individual standing beside him but that's not what he came for. Not having the time to recognise the other person, he pulled Skeppy to him and stood in front of the blue-skinned male.

"Who are you?" Bad asked the drunk person in front of him.

"Bad chill! It's just Schlatt!" Skeppy was the one who introduced him. Making Bad unwind and spun around to face him looking like a TNT about to explode. Spoiler alert, he did.

"What did I tell you, you muffinhead?! Why did you leave my side?!" He screams.

"I wanted to check the temple!"

"And I told you not to, now you got lost!" Bad counters, voice louder than the previous one.

"I'm not drunk enough for this shit..." Schlatt swears under his breath as he takes another swig from his bottle.

"But we met Schlatt and the others because of it!" Skeppy defends.

"You guys are so loud, surprised no mobs came over to eat you all" The duo fell silent as another voice joined them, they all looked behind Schlatt as a shadow stepped in, the white colour of his mask shimmering under the moonlight.

"My god, you guys finally came!" Schlatt sounded relieved as he jogs towards his friends, tripping over a pebble on his way but Quackity was there who caught his arm and pulled him back up.

Skeppy was quick to notice Karl leaning forward on the iron pickaxe he placed on the ground as he tried to catch his breath beside Techno who dons the pig skull mask Skeppy saw, making him shiver at the sight. He also wore a fur coat with his pick hanging from his shoulders, unlike the others who simply had long sleeves and brown trousers. The trio all held iron pickaxes that glowed purple in the dimly lit forest.

Techno let out a sigh before nodding his head and spinning around to disappear deep into the forest with Schlatt and Karl following behind him. Quackity ran behind the duo, pushing them to the direction the three other people had disappeared into.

"Let's go, you don't wanna get caught by a pterodactyl" Quackity ushers them when the homeowner didn't say anything.

"We'll talk about this later," Bad says, making a shiver run down Skeppy's spine as the other male in the area laughed at that.

"Oooh, you're in deep shit bro"


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 || Karl Jacobs x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora