"James are you gonna introduce yourself or just sit there?" the blonde boy kinda jumped as if he was in deep thought and just snapped back to reality and said nervously 

"Oh yeah sorry hehe. My names James." He said that last sentence with a funny voice, as if he purposely made it rhyme thinking it's funny. I couldn't help but laugh at how unfunny it was. The others soon started laughing too, Becca legit started choking on her spit. She seemed like the most cheerful person in the group, she would laugh too hard at the jokes. 

"Guys wanna come over to my house after school for a sleepover so we can play mario cart?" Maaz asked looking at everyone.

"Sure. " Said Jaiden.

"I'm in." Tim replied. 

"YES!" Becca exclaimed.

"Sounds good." Jameson responded. hol up one second did I just call him Jameson? Haha sounds like  a funny nickname I'm gonna keep it. 

"Hey Adam, wanna come too?" Becca asked with her normal exited voice.

"Of courseee! I love mario cart!" I say.

"Ayyy the whole squad is comin!" Maaz said with a happy expression. It felt good know I was in their squad.

"Hol up Adam what's your phone number lemme add you to the group chat." Maaz added.

"[adams phone number]" I say.

"Ok... One sec... Anddddd you're in!" Maaz said while typing some stuff on his phone.

"coolio!" I cringe at myself 0.5 seconds after saying that, and so does everyone else. 

*~*When they're at Maaz's house*~*

James POV

       Everyone is sitting in the floor waiting for Maaz to come out of his room with the controllers, and he did. We played mario cart for a while, it went pretty much like this..







       So yeah, after a couple hours of that we decided to watch a movie. Jaiden and Tim sat next to each other, so did Maaz and Becca. I sat next to Adam. Shit. We're watching a horror movie. The movie was getting really scary so I grabbed a blanket that was standing on top of the couch (I have a blanket standing on top of my couch too so it's normal don't ask) and I wrapped it around myself. I slowly fell asleep and fell on something or someone, I don't know what it was but I'm too sleepy to care right now. 

Adam POV

        I could see James very scared of the movie and wrapping his blanket around himself. I continue watching the movie then feel something warm on my shoulder. It was non other than James's head. I swear I have like 50 shades of red on my face right now. I just tried to ignore it and watch the movie. 

       Soon, the movie ended. Maaz got up and said,

"Uh.. Guys we have a problem"

"What is it?" Becca asked.

"I only have 4 beds and 1 couch, and there's 6 of us. Someone is gonna have to share a bed. Sorry.." He frowned knowing he should've thought about that before inviting us.

"Well, Adam and James should just share a bed. James is literally sleeping on Adam right now so there wont be any difference." Becca smirked while saying that, which made James wake up and jump off of me. I chuckled, mentally because it would be weird if I laughed at James for laying on my shoulder. 

"W-what?? When did the movie finish? What happened in the end!??!" James had fell asleep in the middle of the movie so he's curious of what happened.

"Ughhhh can we talk about this tomorrow? My eyelids are falling down, let's just sleep." Jaiden groaned. 

"Ok, so Adam and James you guys can have the biggest bed. Since there's two people. Also, don't do any funny business on the bed ok it's my favorite bed." Maaz said. My brain started screaming when I realized what he meant. 

"What the hell, Maaz." James said with a slightly annoyed and red face. I could tell he understood what Maaz meant as well.

"Yeah, no. Ew. " I say then chuckle a little bit.

       So after... that , we plop ourselves onto the bed, staying as far apart as possible. All the others get a bed to there selves while I have to lay here almost falling off trying to stay far away to not make James uncomfortable. I mumbled in my mind. Then I started to drift off to sleep. 

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