Piece Of My Heart

Start from the beginning

He began to back up out of the room and turn around.

"Derek, it's okay." Arizona urged. He just shook his head.

"I can't.. I have to go see my kids." He muttered, practically running away from the ICU. He couldn't bare to see his wife in this condition.


"Hey guys!" Derek exclaimed, crouching down on the daycare carpet. Zola ran to her dad, enclosing him in a tight hug. She had missed him when he spent more time in DC than Seattle.

Bailey babbled happily as a caregiver handed him off to Derek. He had a toy airplane in his small hand, and he was flying it in circles

"Can we go home Dad? Mom is supposed to help me with my science fair project!" Zola exclaimed.

"Actually Zola, there's something we need to talk about. Want to go to my office?"" Zola nodded happily.

She loved her dad's office. It was full of fun medical supplies that he let her play with. The three Shepherds left the daycare and made their way to Derek's office.

"Okay..." Derek said, shutting the office door behind him. He placed Bailey on the couch, and Zola jumped up to sit next to him.

He sighed, looking at his happy, smiling children. He dreaded having to ruin their joy.

"Zola, Bailey.. your mom got in a little accident today." Derek started, phrasing his words carefully.

"Is she okay?" Bailey asked, sounding frightened.

"No Bails, she's really hurt." Derek said. He couldn't bring himself to lie to the kids about their mom's condition.

"Can we go see her?" Zola asked. A tear fell from her big eyes.

"We can, but it might be a little scary. She has a big tube in her mouth, and she is sleeping so she can get better." They nodded, and jumped off the couch.

Derek followed them down the hall, almost laughing at their enthusiasm to go see Meredith. They reached her ICU room.

Derek marveled at how gentle the kids were. Bailey stood on his tiptoes, carefully grasping his mom's hand.

Zola lifted herself into a chair, and looked up.

"Hello!" She said to Arizona who was seated on the other side of the bed.

"Hey Zola!" She said, smiling. She slipped a hair tie over the braid she had given Meredith. Derek smiled at the gesture. Sometimes ICU nurses would braid their comatose patients hair, but Arizona and Meredith had seemingly formed a close relationship in the past few weeks.

"Callie is just getting out of surgery, we're gonna bring the kids home so you can stay with Meredith."

Derek nodded thankfully.

"Zola, would you like to have a princess sleepover with Sofia?" Zola's eyes lit up as she nodded furiously.

"Can Mommy hear us?" Bailey asked, still clutching Meredith's hand.

"I'm not sure buddy. You can talk to her if you'd like!" He nodded.

"I miss you momma." he sniffled.

"When you wake up I can show you my science project. I hope you wake up soon." Zola added.

"We all love you Mer." Derek finished.

Callie, who had been standing outside the door walked in.

"You guys ready?" She asked the kids. They nodded, and followed Callie out the door, sparing once last glance at Meredith on their way out.

"She's gonna pull through Derek. You have to believe she's going to be okay." Arizona said before joining her wife and the kids in the hallway.

Derek nodded, and approached Meredith's bed.

"Hey Mer." He whispered, grabbing her hand and tracing circles with his thumb.

"You have to fight, okay? We need you here. You and I... we're not finished. So just.. fight." He glanced up at her vitals, and sighed, sinking into the chair near her bedside.

He tried to stay awake for Meredith, but exhaustion overtook him. His eyes fell shut.


Derek awoke to the noise of a beeping monitor. He sat up in the chair, disorientated from sleep.


"Charging to 250, clear!" Derek recognized Owen's voice. His eyes adjusted to the bright light, and he saw that Meredith was coding.

After a third charge, Meredith's regained a weak pulse.

"We need to get her to the OR now!" Owen yelled, unlocking the wheels to her gurney.

"She's not stable enough!" Derek yelled, quickly getting up from the chair and rushing to Meredith's bedside.

"It's now or never, Shep! This is a last ditch effort."
Owen said as the surgical team began pushing the gurney into the hallway.

Derek stood in the empty ICU room, blinking. He tried to process what had just happened. He made his way to the OR gallery. He sat down, watching as the surgeons below fought relentlessly to save Meredith's wife.

FORGIVE ME i have sinned. 😔🙏 i was listening to chasing cars on spotify and i got a little carried away.

BUT ITS OKAY! she didn't die!! 😁😁😁


i got a 98 in the chem final i mentioned last chapter. thanks to everyone who wished me luck!

ANYWAYS hope u all enjoyed this! please keep voting and commenting!! i love to read everyone's comments, you guys are so funny 😭✋ bye for now! 😙

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