Chapter 1: First Meet

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Y/N's POV:

Ok so Hi, My name is Min Y/N, and I'm 16 years old, I know you already have read it in the bio I was saying that, right now I'm at the cafe near school and you know why? Because the famous guy of our school who didn't even knew my existence told me to meet here. And I'm waiting for him like since 10 minutes but he didn't showed up.

"Ugh where is he?" I groaned as I slammed my hand on the table, "I'm sorry I'm late" I startled when a guy sat in front of me wearing a cap and mask. "Excuse me?" I said looking at him, "oh I'm sorry" he again apologized with his deep voice and remove his cap, than his mask and a beautiful handsome face appeared. Like Wow he's really handsome I mean is he even real? It was School's heartthrob Kim Taehyung.

"Helloooo" he waved his hand in front of me, I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back and that's when my heart started beating rapidly against my chest, like WOW like O MA GOD! HIS SMILE IS UNREAL!!! HOW CAN SOMEONE'S SMILE BE LIKE THAT?!! Well I have seen him many times at school like everytime cuz he's same as in my class but this is the first time I have seen him from this close well I know--

"Y/N! You there?" Taehyung waved his hand in front of me, "huh? Yeah haha sorry" I said with an awkward laugh, he smiled again and nodded, "what will you have?" He asked, "I' cream..?" I said not confirmed with my own choice, "ok I'll go and order" he said and went to the counter. After 5 minutes he came back with ice cream and a bowl of Ramen.

"I didn't had lunch, so yeah" he said placing the tray in the table and sitting on the seat. He gestured me to eat and I nodded, he started eating his ramen while I ate my ice cream. He didn't had lunch? Oh yeah he doesn't come to the cafeteria to have lunch, he stays in the class because the girls surround him and don't let him eat.

"By the way....why did you call me here?" I asked he looked at me while eating, he swollowed "actually I need your help" he said, "what help?" I asked as I ate a spoon of my ice cream, "I...want you...will you play an Act in my life?" He asked making me look at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. He bite his lip, "I want you to become my girlfriend" he said making me choke on my own saliva, I looked at him eyes widened and gulped down whole bottle of water which he passed me.

"Are you serious?!" I asked, "I'm sorry, I know you can't believe this but it's just an" He stopped bite his lip, "actually my mom wants me to date a girl...and I lied...that I already have a girlfriend...and now this Friday she want to meet my non existing girlfriend" he completed, I nodded as I understood what he's saying. "But there are many girls in school, why asked me?" I asked.

"Actually, I don't know any girl I  can trust but sometimes Jungkook talks about I thought" he said, ohh so because of muscular bunny he asked me, "Y/N" he called me softly, I looked at him "if you and Jungkook are already dating than forget what I said" he said, I shook my head "we aren't dating he's just my best friend" I answered. "And, ok! I'll Act as your girlfriend." I said, I looked at him in Awe when he showed his boxy smile.

"Thank you Y/N" he said I smiled "no problem" I said, "but Taehyung, do I have to Act just infront of Aunty or in school too?" I asked, "actually my mom have send some guys which stalk me everytime, everywhere even in school, so you have my girlfriend in school too" he said making me nod, waaah his mom sounds creepy like how can someone send someone to stalk their own son.

"So will you?" He asked, I nodded "I'll be your girlfriend" I told him, "but please don't tell anyone about this" he told me making me frown, "why?" I asked, "I... don't trust anyone" he answered lowering his head. "By the way...why don't you want to date that girl your mom is telling to? Maybe she's saying this for your own good?" I asked, he shook his head "she never think about our good, she even put burden on Jin hyung's shoulders, and now for her business she wants me to be her business partner's daughter boyfriend" he told me.

"Ohh...what about your dad? Why isn't he saying something to her?" I asked him, he looked at me with teary eyes making my eyes widened, "he's no more" he answered. "Oh my God, I'm sorry...I didn't know" I said and apologized. "It's ok it's not your fault" he said and patted my head which made my cheeks burn.

"I'll go and pay" he said and went to the counter. Oh my God! oh my God! oh my God! He's so!!!!! Ah!!! But the thing is he told me everything which means he trust me but how? Ah I'm sure it's because of that muscular bunny, he must have told him that I am trustworthy, well yeah I am.

[A/N: ok soooo! Here is the first chapter of my new Fanfic, well I wasn't thinking of making but then I thought I should. I won't post regularly because exams are coming so yeah and I'm a study worm so yeahhhh! Do read Jeon_Fanfiction's Lizkook Fanfic, "The Guardians" it's really good and also read my other FFs. Thank you! Bye! I Purple you! 💜 Tata! Fighting! Stay Gold!]

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