2 my window!!

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Jake Sands

So the neighbor girl is nice. Not my type but i guess she is okay to hang out with. Funny at least.

I wonder if she'll still be friendly with me once I begin my pranks. Her window is open. Ha ha. Let the games begin.

I crept my way over the fence and into the girls yard. Her window is right there, and it is very much open. I opened it slowly and slid in. Her room is sooo girly. Yuck. Oh look what I found. A phone. With no password and loads of embarrassing pictures. Nice. We just have to wait for her reaction tommorow.

It was a bit if trouble getting around with all the girly stuff but hey! I looked into her drawer and found a diary and loads if underwear. Bright pink. Seriously. I'm stealing those too. After a load of snooping, I took the stuff and I've buried her underwear at the back of her yard. Who bothers to look underground for missing knickers right?

Her diary seems interesting so Im so keeping it. Even her phone. Oh the comedy I'm going through. Look at that, she has only kissed three boys, and got one peck on the cheek. Ha! She lives in a per school.

I waddled my way over to the window and tried to sneak my way back out. Man is it hard. Screech!! Oh damn. Oh shit! A huge scratch on her window because of the stupid corner of the diary. I bet the diary is do sharp its like a murder weapon.

Breathe once, exit slowly, and then you run for dear life. I hopped over the fence and into my room in an instant, now to find some interesting hiding places. Ha ha!!

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