"Fucking idiot." Niall muttered chuckling slightly and Sam gave him a warning glance, wiping the smile off Niall's face. He coughed and straightened up in his seat while Michael glared at him.

"Right well, Niall, have you the evidence?" Sam asked Niall who looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"S'in your bag babe." Niall said.

"Oh!" I said and grabbed my bag from the ground, finding the disk case and handing Niall it who gave it to Sam.

"Want to change your mind before we play this?" Sam asked holding the disk up so Michael could see it.

"No." Michael stubbornly said and I had to stop myself from letting any laughter slip out. I knew he was about to go down. He looked a little worried as Sam put the disk into the player.

The video began playing and I literally saw all the colour drain from Michael's face. All eyes were on him and he gulped, keeping his eyes glued on the screen. The video ended and he attempted to compose himself as best he could.

"Explain yourself." Sam slammed his fist against the table making me jump.

"Well, she wasn't going to sign that contract and Niall and Jenny were going out and why would we pay her for that?" Michael asked as though he was innocent here.

"And what gave you the right to intimidate the poor girl?" He asked with sterness in his voice.

"Did you want me to pay them to have sex?" Michael asked.

"You intimidated her! You forced her to sign that and you have gone too far!" Sam exclaimed.

"What are you saying?" Michael asked while Niall reached for my hand, giving it an excited squeeze.

"I think you know what I am saying." Sam began writing something down. "I gave you a strict warning that if you done anything wrong again that would be it and Michael, I do believe you have crossed the line." Sam said.

"So what, you're firing me?" Michael asked and Niall and I shared a triumphant gaze.

"What you done is despicable and I can not condone it. Michael Smith, you are no longer welcome here." Sam said and Niall grinned widely.

"Sam, come on, you know I would never hurt her." Michael said. "They just want to get rid of me because I wouldn't pay her to date him for real!" Michael exclaimed.

"Calm down, you've brought this on yourself Michael. We have no use for you anymore anyways Michel, Paul is perfectly capable of handling things on tour." Sam said, picking up a stack of papers.

"Sam come on, you know I have been doing a great job since I came here." Michael said and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, a great job of making everyone unhappy." Niall muttered and I slapped his arm telling him to shut it before he ruined anything.

"So Michael, you shan't be returning to the states with these two." Sam declared, rising to a stance. Michael looked bewildered.

"You can't just fire me!"

"I am in my rights to." He clarified.

"Shut up, you're just mad we won." Niall chuckled and I hit him again. I gave him a warning glance and he shrugged.

"We will get you two on the jet back and Paul will pick you up in the airport, Michael, you won't be joining them." Sam firmly stated and I let a small triumphant smile tug at my lips. I peered at Niall and he grinned at me.

"Sam," Niall began. "could Jenny be rehired?" Niall asked.

"Why? She is your girlfriend." Sam looked a little confused.

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