Brianna's POV

It was another normal day. Getting bullied, expected to do other kids chores, and not getting adopted. I don't know why I get bullied. Maybe because I'm four? I'm the youngest one in the orphanage, everyone else is six or older.

I got woken up by some seven year olds, Nadia and Jada, jumping on my bed. They bully me the most and it's really annoying.

"Wake up twerp!" Nadia yelled in my face. I slowly sat up and got out of bed before they could do something to me. In the morning they usually hit me to get me up but I guess today they were in a good mood.

"So today is adoption day." Jada said excitedly. Of course, that must be why their in such a good mood.

"I know, I'm so excited! We're probably going to get adopted! I mean look at us. We're adorable. Well, obviously not you Brianna. You're never going to get adopted." Nadia said. It didn't even bother me. I knew I wouldn't get adopted, and to be honest, I don't care anymore. Everyone here tells me I won't get adopted, and I believe it now.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick bath. Yes, I can take them on my own. I've been doing it for about a year now. No one even showed me how, I had to learn on my own. Though I suppose now it's not too hard.

Once I finished I got dressed into my outfit for the day, brushed my hair and teeth, and went back into my room to see Nadia and Jada still there talking about getting adopted. I just ignored them and cleaned my room up. Even though I wasn't going to be adopted, I guess it never hurts to do it just in case.

"Kids, come downstairs for breakfast!" Ms.Casey, the owner of the orphanage, said over the loud speaker. Nadia and Jada immediately got up and ran downstairs, I just took my time so I didn't get shoved around in the hall. I had to learn that the hard way.

When I got downstairs everyone was already sitting down with their food, and eating while talking to their freinds. I walked up to Ms.Casey to get my food from her.

"Here." She said coldly as she shoved the plate with only a little food into my hands. Ms.Casey doesn't like me. All the other kids always get me in trouble and she believes them everytime. She usually just spanks me... hard. But sometimes I get blamed for something super bad and she locks me in the dark basement for a few hours. Because of that I'm scared of the dark. Basements too, though right now it's only the one here at the orphanage.

Everyone finished breakfast, put their dishes in the sink and ran off to go play or hangout. I just went back to my room to lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Thats what I did a lot, just stare at the ceiling and think about random stuff.

After only a few minutes my thoughts got interrupted by the loud speaker.

"Girls ages four to seven please come downstairs, there are some people here who would like to adopt one of you." Ms.Casey said.

I mentally groaned already knowing I won't get adopted but I still got up and made my way downstairs to see five boys, who look no older then twenty.

"Alright, so these are the girls, you guys can walk around and talk to them, get to know them, and let me know if you find someone you would like to adopt." Ms.Casey said to the boys.

"Okay, thank you." One of them said. He had bright blue eyes. They kind of reminded me of the ocean.

They all went around talking to different girls. I went over and sat in the corner already knowing I won't get adopted.

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