Chapter 14: A perfect balance of danger and charm...The Talk!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: The one and only Ian Williams

Video: Always On My Mind. Performed by Michael Buble

Dedicated to: EGORUGWU



Under the shelter of a picturesque gazebo in a beautiful garden, soft classical music and chatter could be heard. The gazebo was surrounded by well-trimmed shrubs and colorful flowers which gave off a lovely fragrance, and attractive potted plants that gave the structure a look of elegance and grace.

In the gazebo, Mathias, Anton, Stan, and Will sat around a table with an array of breakfast dishes, eating and chatting.

"Know what son," Mathias addressed a clearly smitten Will at some point, "You can actually eat and gaze at him at the same time." His amused gaze was on the Arrowhead's plate.

"What?" Will flushed, tearing his gaze away from Stan. "I wasn't gazing..."

"Yes, you were." The Admiral scoffed, drawing a chuckle from Anton and a smile from Stan.

"I'm eating, Sir." Will forked a strip of juicy bacon into his mouth even as he glared at Stan who looked amused.

"Well, you weren't."

"Get off his case already, Matt." Anton yawned.

"Sleepy?" Stan murmured, trying to take the heat off his mate.

Anton nodded. "Very. Some of our friends kept us up till this morning."

"Y'all need to get some sleep then," Stan suggested as he filled Will's half-empty glass with more juice.

"We do," Mathias muttered as he got to his feet. "I was too excited to sleep after the party anyway." He reached for Anton's hand. "Come on, honey. Let's leave these love birds alone."

"We won't be here by the time you wake up," Stan said.

"Too bad." The admiral gave a regretful smile. "I was looking forward to us hanging out this afternoon.

"I have some stuff that I need to take care of so gotta go." Stan's smile was full of appreciation. "Thanks for your thoughtfulness, Mathias."

"The pleasure was mine, Stan. I'll give you a call later in the day."

"I'll be expecting it."

"Later, Williams."

"Yes, Sir."

Anton chuckled at Will's response. "It was lovely having you two here. Let's do it again soon."

"Hell, yeah." Stan grinned. "Maybe a double date."

"That would be great." Anton beamed and then followed his fiancé out of the gazebo.

"I need to stop stealing glances at you all the time," Will mumbled as he watched his boss and his partner leave. He turned his gaze on Stan. "I was staring at your mouth," he breathed, ignoring the smug look on Stan's face.

"I know," Stan smirked.

"It was so fucking difficult holding myself back from kissing you in front of those two," Will murmured as he leaned in to press a short but seductive kiss on Stan's mouth.

"Why didn't you just go ahead and do it?" Stan asked breathlessly, totally affected by the kiss.

"That's my admiral, dipshit." Will rasped. "Gotta be respectful."

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