5th April , Sunday

Comincia dall'inizio

O.Hyewon : So it's still fair ?
Junghwa : Yes , we can't help you over take the other participants , it's all up to you
O.Hyewon nods : Seems fair enough
Junghwa smiles : Should we start ?
O.Hyewon : Yes , please
Junghwa : May I know what song you're planning to perform with ?
O.Hyewon : B.E's "Summer!"
Junghwa : "Summer!" ? Great choice , the members will like it
O.Hyewon : I don't want to use the song to gain something , I want to be able to deliver everything to get a perfect score
Junghwa nods : Where have you learned up to ?
O.Hyewon : I know the lyrics and beat , however my rap has a little problem
Junghwa : Rap ? Is it okay if I hear you sing first ?
O.Hyewon : Yes
Junghwa : Only the part you know and can
O.Hyewon : Yes

Suga : Ah , with the piano ?
L.Chaesu : Yes
Suga : Have you got the notes ?
L.Chaesu : Yes , do you want to check it ?
Suga : You should trust yourself , do you think it's correct ?
L.Chaesu : Yes , I think it is
Suga nods : Then it should be okay , do make sure to check it again a day or two before the stage
L.Chaesu : Yes
Suga : So it is a mix and match ?
L.Chaesu : Yes
Suga : Can I hear it first ?
L.Chaesu : Gladly *sits straight*
Suga : Relax
L.Chaesu : Yes

V : Ohh *claps*
T.Takibi chuckles : That's all
V : Gosh , will you have enough time ?
T.Takibi : I hope I do
V : I don't know much about electric guitar... if today's mentoring goes by quick , I'll leave you early to let you practice
T.Takibi : You can listen to me play and tell me if it sounds alike
V : Should I ?
T.Takibi : Yes , why not ?
V : I'm not good with this
T.Takibi : It's okay , sometimes... you don't have to do anything , just enjoy it
V nods : ...
T.Takibi : We can start with the parts I have trouble with
V : Yes . Do you have problems with the rap ?
T.Takibi : Mm... I think I might
V : Yes . It's okay , we'll go through it slowly
T.Takibi : Yes

LE : Ah... that's why ?
K.Yujun : Yes , I'm trying to avoid rap or have lesser rap
Jimin : It's a good choice
LE : After hearing your performance for 'Til...' , you can pull it off
K.Yujun : Even if I do , my impact and performance might not be good
LE : You can do it
Jimin : Noona , I think his only worry is the rap , not the impact and performance
LE : Right
K.Yujun : Should I change my song ?
LE : No , I don't think you should , you can do it
Jimin : Yujun , no one has heard you rap before right ?
K.Yujun : I can't
Jimin : Actually I think you can , and imagine if you go on stage and start rapping... your first time rapping
LE : You might get performance marks
K.Yujun : Really ?
Jimin : It's possible
K.Yujun nods : ...
LE : If you feel strongly about changing songs , best to do it now because you only have one week left
Jimin : Right
K.Yujun : After today's mentoring... if I feel like changing the song , I will . If I don't , I will use this
LE : Sure

J.Howon rubs wrist : 'Clap' *nods*
Hani : Ohh , do you like dancing ?
J.Howon : Yes , I do
Hani : Really ?
J.Howon : Yes
Hani : All the song you pick are good for dancing
J.Howon : Yes *chuckles*
Hani : How much have you practiced ?
J.Howon : I'm almost done with the dance
Hani : Really ?
J.Howon : Yes
Hani : Do you want to show it to me ?
J.Howon : Sure
Hani : How's your singing ?
J.Howon : I still have to work on that...
Hani nods : Let's see what you have practiced and we'll improve it
J.Howon nods : ...

Jungkook claps : Noona , I-... wow
Hyerin chuckles : I didn't know you could do that
L.Hyunju : I don't like to do it much , I like singing
Jungkook : So you would pick ballad over other genres ?
L.Hyunju : Yes
Hyerin : You did good with this song
L.Hyunju : This song has a fantasy feeling to it , I wanted that
Hyerin : Why ?
L.Hyunju : Don't know , I just like it
Jungkook chuckles : It was a good choice of song
Hyerin : Right
Jungkook : Are you going to dance ?
L.Hyunju : Maybe at a certain part , I'm not good at dancing
Hyerin : Who knows what will happen
Jungkook : Right , you surprised us today
L.Hyunju : Do I have anything to fix ?
Hyerin : One or two , you might get tired singing this
Jungkook : Noona , you focus on his vocals and I'll help him with singing while dancing
Hyerin : Sure
L.Hyunju : Let's start

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